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The subject financial analysis for bank lending has assumed considerable important, particularly since early 1990’s when. Like most of the countries. India opted for the policy of liberalization and globalization after 1991. The present volume is meant to be a standard reference as well as text book on the varied facets of financial analysis with reference to credit management by Banks and Financial Institutions. The book consists of three parts. Part I discusses the concepts and tools of Financial Analysis; Part II explain various concepts of working capital in its historical context; while Part III demonstrates the application of these tools in the changing context of liberalized economy by focusing on new concepts like 'Credit Worthiness', Risk-Analysis, Credit Rating, Products Differentiation. Pricing-Differentiation, Asset-Liability Management, etc. The book will be useful to the students of M.B.A., PGDBM, M.Com (Hons.), C.A., I.C.W.A. and C.A.I.I.A. and also practicing bankers and credit analysts in India and abroad. Contents : Part I Concept And Tools of Credit Appraisal Part II Financing of working capital under the new era of financial liberalization Part III Application of Financial Tools In Appraisal And Supervision of Working Capital Finance