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Realising the imperative need to develop skills among learners, apart from imparting knowledge, many universities have completely restructured their commerce and management curricula recently, incorporating therein skill development components. The Bangalore University has taken a lead in this direction by incorporating many new subjects on thrust areas in the management curriculum and framing the syllabi in such a way so as to include skills components, so that learners may be exposed to full-fledged education as per industry requirements. One such thrust area is 'FINANCIAL MARKETS AND SERVICES' comprising of financial markets, financial institutions and financial services. Financial markets have been increasingly influenced in recent times by financial innovations in terms of products and instruments, adoption of modern technologies for their operations, opening up of the markets for global players, streamlining of the regulatory framework to strengthen the markets for global players, streamlining of the regulatory framework to strengthen the markets, introduction of derivatives to hedge various types of risks and so on. Again, many innovative financial products have been introduced to cater to the varied risk-return requirements of both corporate and individual customers. Today, vast changes have also been witnessed in financial markets and services due to far reaching economic and financial reforms introduced in India. Again, the reform era has made it imperative for policy makers to look at and impart financial education for empowering the investing public makers to look at and impart financial education for empowering the investing public to participate in financial markets with adequate knowledge and confidence. Thus, promoting financial literacy has become an integral part of public policy in many countries. In the aftermath of this changing financial scenario, students of management are badly in need of a suitable text book covering all these aspects including the latest developments in financial markets. Realising the imperative need to bring out a suitable book on 'FINANCIAL MARKETS AND SERVICES' tailored to meet the specific requirements of students of the Bangalore University, a modest attempt has been made to present this edition in the hands of the academic community. The speciality of this volume is that all matters are presented in a lucid manner and in simple language, notwithstanding the technical nature of the subject. All latest developments have been covered and above all, it is most students friendly. To enable the learners to test their knowledge, understanding and application of the subject, various types of questions have been given at the end of each chapter. Contents : 1. Overview of Indian Financial System 2. Non-Banking Financial Institutions 3. Housing Finance 4. Merchant Banking, Factoring And Venture Capital 5. Money Market 6. Securities and Exchange Board of India 7. Foreign Exhange Market 8. Mutual Funds 9. Credit Rating 10. Recent Trend in Financial Services 11. Skill Development ... Read more Read less