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In First Person Action Research Judi Marshall invites her reader tjoin her in the rich world of first person inquiry: a reflexive approach tlife and tones own participation in research and learning Written as a collage of interrelated chapters, fragments and voices, this is an important meditation on the nature of inquiring action Judi Marshalls book provides an accessible introduction tself-reflective practice; exploring its principles and practices and illustrating with reflective accounts of inquiry from the authors professional and personal life The book alsconsiders action for change in relation tissues of ecological sustainability and corporate responsibility Writing is reviewed as a process of inquiry, and as a way tpresent action research experiences Connections are made with the work of the literary authors Nathalie Sarraute and KazuIshigurtexpand the scope of typical academic writing practices First Person Action Research is an important and practical resource for students, teachers and practitioners of action research alike It is a thoughtful and sensitive account of an emerging field in Research Methods ... Read more Read less