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History is testimony that it does many times changes its course because of unusual forces. There are four such forces, described many times as forces of globalisation, that are reshaping the world of today. The first is the shifting of economic centres of gravity from Europe and America to Asia. The second is the accelerated impact of technological revolution. The third force is demographics and the last one is the breathtaking interconnectivity between trade, movement of capital, people and information. These four forces have accelerated and fed each other bringing profound changes in every walk of life of nations, societies and individuals be it economic, political, social or cultural. Societies unable to adapt to these dramatic changes are likely to collapse. No doubt these vast changes have brought alongwith them number of paradoxes and conundrums. Capturing these profound changes and the turn course of history has taken due to these forces. Globalisation, democratisation and Distributive Justice makes an attempt to find ways for striking a proper balance between emerging paradoxes and contradictions while deepening further the faith of the polity and its institutions in democracy and distributive justice. ... Read more Read less