HLI (Halsbury's Laws of India) is a comprehensive legal reference work that covers various areas of law in India. Volume 18, which focuses on Evidence, provides in-depth analysis and authoritative commentary on the laws governing evidence in Indian legal proceedings. It is widely used by legal professionals for understanding the principles and rules related to the admissibility and handling of evidence in court. ... Read more Read less
Key Highlights: ? Halsbury?s Laws of India is a series based on Halsbury?s Laws of England, which provides a comprehensive statement of law ? This series is not a commentary but presents the legal position as it is laid by legislation and case law ? Thematic arrangement of Tort and Consumer Protection Act provisions together for ease of reference to the reader. ? Includes all recent updates and case law for the year 2017. ? Ready referencer for academicians, legal scholars, the bar and the bench. ... Read more Read less