How to Design, Write, and Present a Successful Dissertation Proposal

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Author: Elizabeth A Wentz
Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781452257884
Publishing year: October 2013
No of pages: 232
Weight: 350 grm
Language: English
Book binding: Paperback

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This provides graduate students in the social and behavioural sciences with the specific set of skills needed to write a successful dissertation proposal. It gives guidance for the whole process, from introducing the role of the advisor and helping students narrow down their area of specialization, to assisting them with identifying their research question. Helpful advice on reading, the literature review, writing, defining the research question, and methods are provided. The book includes a substantive chapter on the proposal itself, followed by guidance on giving an oral presentation. There are also skill-building activities within each chapter to help the student create each section of the proposal.