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<span id="docs-internal-guid-fb8a5c45-7fff-15b7-23af-53e93fb917ec"><p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.295;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:8pt;"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Aptos; font-weight: 700; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-variant-emoji: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space-collapse: preserve;">Immunology: International Edition</span><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Aptos; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-variant-emoji: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space-collapse: preserve;"> is an authoritative, comprehensive textbook that delves into the science of immunology. This edition is designed for students and professionals in the medical and biological sciences. It covers the fundamentals of the immune system, immunological diseases, and the latest advancements in immunotherapy and vaccines. Written by experts in the field, this book presents complex concepts in a clear, accessible manner, making it ideal for both learning and reference. With updated content, it serves as a vital resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of immunology. Get your copy today on Sriina for a deeper exploration of the immune system.</span></p><div><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Aptos; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-variant-emoji: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space-collapse: preserve;"><br></span></div></span>