Chaturvedi & Pithisaria are esteemed legal authors known for their work in the field of taxation law. Their book Income Tax Law is widely respected and used by tax professionals and students for its thorough analysis and detailed commentary. ... Read more Read less
Chaturvedi and Pithisaria?s Income Tax Law has carved a niche for itself as an authentic and comprehensive treatise on income tax law. This work embodies systematised analysis of the principles of income tax law on one hand, while imparting practical guidance on the other. Various facets of the law have been addressed with precision and clarity, accompanied by ample illustrations. This ten-volume set is an essential reference for professionals, owing to its meticulous approach and brilliant exposition of the principles of income tax law. Key features of this edition: Most comprehensive coverage, spanning ten volumes Logical and systematised analysis of the principles of income tax law Various facets of income tax law have been addressed with precision and clarity, accompanied by ample illustrations Up to date coverage of all legislative amendments up to the Finance Act, 2020 and the Income-tax (16th Amendment) Rules, 2020 Includes the Taxation & Other Laws (Relaxation of Certain Provisions) Ordinance, 2020 Exhaustive coverage up to and including (2020) 423 (Part 2) ITR and selected cases from other journals Incorporates departmental circulars, notifications, and press notes issued by the CBDT and Ministry of Finance Companion Microsite covering Income Tax Act, 1961, Allied Rules, General Circulars, Notifications, Press Notes, Press Releases, etc. Microsite is live and can be accessed at Volume 6-10 updated with Structural Tax Reforms announced by the Central Government on 13 August, 2020 Includes Taxpayers? Charter and Faceless Assessment Scheme, 2019 operative from 13 August, 2020 ... Read more Read less