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<p>This volume contains narratives of the following travels to India in the fifteenth century: Narrative of the Voyage of AbderRazzak Ambassador from Shah Rukh a.h. 845 a.d. 1442. Translated from the Persian into French by M. Quatremere. Rendered into English with Notes by R.H. Major ESQ. F.S.A. The Travels of Nicolo Conti in the East in the Early Part of the Fifteenth Century. Translated from the original of Poggio Bracciolini with Notes by J. Winter Jones ESQ. F.S.A. Keeper of the Printed Books British Museum. The Travels of Athanasius Nikitin a native of Twer. Translated from the Russian with Notes by Count WielHorsky late Secretary of the Russian Legation at the Court of St. James's. The Journey of Hieronimo Di Santo Stefano a Genoese. Translated by R.H. Major ESQ. F. S. A. About the Author Richard Henry Major (18181891) was a geographer and map librarian who curated the map collection of the British Museum from 1844 until his retirement in 1880. During that time Major published a number of books related to maps or documents of historical significance. From 1849 until 1858 he was the Secretary of the Hakluyt Society.</p>