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Critics who previewed this presentation before its going to press are of the Opinion that after going through the classic gem. One does not have to delve into any of its kind. Because, it offers all one needs to know both theoretically and practically about: (I) FINANCIAL INSTITUATIONS; (II) FINANCIAL MARKET; and (III) FIANCIAL SERVICE, besides the introductory very INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM itself. It covers all the institutions that deal with public finance and recommends itself best to anyone scholar or practitioner in any capacity wanting to have masterly grip on the subject. Contents : Unit I Indian Financial System. Unit II Financial Institutions (A) R.B.I. (B) Commercial Banks (C) Insurance (D) UTI Unit III Financial Market (A) Money Market (B) Capital Market (C) Primary Market (D) Secondary Market Unit IV Financial Services (A) Mutual Funds (B) Credit Rating (C) Merchant Banking (D) Venture Capital ... Read more Read less