Nathan Katz is an American writer who is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the School of International and Public Affairs Florida International University (FIU). He also served as the Bhagawan Mahavir Professor of Jain Studies Founder-Director of the Program in the Study of Spirituality Director of Jewish Studies and Founding Chair of the Department of Religious Studies
<p>The Western world's introduction to Indian Jews dates back to 1665 when Menasseh Bene Israel petitioned Oliver Cromwell's government to allow Jews to return to England citing the tolerant maharajas of Cochin as exemplary leaders. Over the next 350 years various writings and documents have explored the Indian Jewish experience often sensationalizing it. Recent scholarship has adopted a more nuanced approach employing historical sociological and cultural perspectives. Meanwhile Indian Jews have shared their stories with fascinated audiences.</p><p>This comprehensive bibliography compiled over three decades aims to facilitate research on India's diverse Jewish heritage. Organized by community it covers general works on Indian Jewry followed by sections on specific groups: Cochin Jews Bene Israel of Maharashtra Mughal Jews Baghdadi communities Ashkenazim refugees and recent Judaising movements in north-east India and Andhra Pradesh.</p>