Individualizing Professional Development

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Author: Vicki R Husby
Publisher: Corwin
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781412909426
Publishing year: March 2005
No of pages: 176
Weight: 480 grm
Language: English
Book binding: Paperback

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Developed around an unassailable conceptual framework of adult learning theory, self-directed learning, action research, critical reflection, and group learning, Husby pointedly addresses the interests and standards of society; her individualized professional development program provides for professional accountability because individuals goals must impact student achievement, and it adheres tprofessional standards as explicated by the National Staff Development Council - from the Foreword by JBlase, Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Georgia This book makes a distinct contribution tthe field by stressing ownership of growth by the adult learner and the role of the facilitator in creating a fertile environment for growth It fills an unmet need on the market - Mike Ford, Superintendent of Schools, Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District, NY I was completely engrossed with this book Husby hit on all the important steps in establishing a staff development program and not only explains the how but alsthe why - Catherine Kilfoyle Duffy, English Language Arts Chairperson, Three Village Central School District, East Setauket, NY Provide learner-focused professional development that builds organizational capacity! When teachers direct their own professional growth activities, learning is more meaningful and effective But how can a program capitalize on this fact while remaining focused on larger school and district performance goals? Individualizing Professional Development explains how tsatisfy both individual needs and preferences of teachers and organizational demands for accountability and improved student achievement Author Vicki R Husby integrates best practices of adult learning, action research, and self-directed learning inta job-embedded professional development process that successfully joins these sometimes competing goals Designed as a how-tmanual, this accessible resource includes: - Step-by-step directions for designing and implementing a program - Mini-lesson directions and materials - A photocopiable learning plan template - Examples of participants individualized learning plans Considering todays high-stakes educational environment, the need for this flexible, sustainable, and inexpensive professional development program has never been greater Discover the tools and strategies tfacilitate individualized teacher learning and improve academic performance ... Read more Read less