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Today, the economy is growing fast and considerable foreign direct investments are coming to India. With greater thrust on the ‘Make in India’ mantra, this in turn, would lead to a host of challenges for all who are stakeholders in the industry and, especially, this profession. Consequently, the challenges for HR and IR will get more complex and will evolve continuously. We are also beginning to witness more and more women entering the field of “employee relations” or “industrial relations” and women workers engaged at the shop floor levels too – evolving a new work culture as well. Contents - 1. Whose Voice Prevails…? 2. Beginning of a Career 3. My First Steps… In the Exciting Journey 4. My Short Stint with ‘Rallis’ 5. Scaling New Heights (FDC) 6. My Golden Years with ‘Godrej’ 7. Daze and Knight at Mahindra... 8. Employees First... 9. Heroes and Villains... 10. Leaders Shaping Destinies 11. Strength and Blessings 12. Industrial Relations Scenario – Past, Present and Future 13. Maxims and Mottos for I.R. Managers