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This is a wonderful text, remarkable for its breadth and freshness of approach Hill links the often arcane world of international business tsociety and history He has a good eye for the telling detail and the illuminating quotation I shall be recommending this tmy friends whare teaching, saying read this and get your students tstay curious —John Stopford, Emeritus, London Business School Reflecting a strong managerial orientation, a corporate emphasis, and a true global-local focus, International Business: Managing Globalization explains the whats and whys of global differences as it covers industries, competitors, regions, and markets from the perspectives of practicing managers Author John S Hill reviews the geographic and historic backgrounds of regions and markets in a way that nother text has done, with special focus on global supply chains, global branding, and world religions as they affect management at the local level Key Features Integrates business topics and environmental analysis inta strategic, global-local framework Places current events in focus by covering history and geography as they affect international business Includes a unique chapter on global industry and competitor analysis—a common business tool—but a topic not covered in other texts Covers religion as a key determiner of behaviors worldwide thelp readers understand why behaviors differ depending on the local context Focuses on corporate analysis, planning, and internationalization—vital corporate practices rarely covered in other textbooks Includes both shorter and longer, more complex cases, thus appealing tboth introductory and advanced courses Accompanied by High-Quality Ancillaries Instructor Resources on CD are available tqualified instructors by contacting Customer Care at 1-800-818-SAGE (7243) Intended Audience International Business: Managing Globalization is ideal for the Introduction tBusiness course or for courses focusing on international or global business strategy ... Read more Read less