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The present revision of this book has to be viewed in the background of the basics on which it was built. Any book on International Finance has to deal with all the components of the International Financial System. So this book started with the present International Financial System vis-a-vis the domestic International Economic order, etc. The new order should bring out the role of emerging market economies like China and India and their new role among the developing countries. These relations among economies and among them the Asian developing countries have been called upon to play a more dynamic role in the world economic order. The components and institutions in the International Financial System (IFS) are changing and their role and operations particularly, in relation to India are bond to change with the changing socio-political and economic conditions in the real world. These are incorporated in this revision. Content - Part - I : International Financial System 1. Introduction to International Finance 2. International Trade and International Finance 3. The International Monetary System 4. New International Economic Order 5. Globalisation Forces Part - II : International Trade-Theory and Practices 6. Trade Theory 7. Haberler`s Opportunity Cost Theory 8. Heckscher - Ohlin Theorem 9. Recent Theories of International Trade 10. Gains From Trade 11. Terms of Trade 12. Dynamics of International Trade 13. India`s Foreign Trade Part - III : Balance of Payment and Restrictive Policies 14. Balance of Payments Theory 15. India`s Balance of Payments 16. Bilateralism In Foreign Trade 17. Commercial Policy and Theory of Tariffs 18. International Trade Organisations 19. Commercial Policy In India