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Key Concepts in Early Childhood Education and Care, Cathy Nutbrown's second edition, explains the key ideas and issues in Early Childhood clearly and concisely, keeping students up-to-date with the latest developments in the field. New entries include:Attachment Babies' learning and development Children's CentersCitizenshipDigital TechnologiesEarly Years Foundation Stage Early Years Professional StatusNeuroscienceSexualitiesThe rest of the book has also been thoroughly updated and revised, and includes coverage of heuristic play, Early Literacy Development and Parental Involvement.The book offers starting points which provide a clear focus, further reading and discussion of research on thirty-five key topics. It is a must-have for students studying courses in early childhood education and care.Professor Cathy Nutbrown directs and teaches on Masters and Doctoral programs in Early Childhood Education at the University of Sheffield. ... Read more Read less