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This is a comprehensive reference book on the subject of Labour and Industrial Laws being a compilation of all important Acts, Rules, Regulations and Schemes connected with the subject and arranged alphabetically. All amendments made to the Acts, Rules and Regulations have been duly incorporated along with an Introduction to the Acts giving Statement of Objects and Reasons to most of the Acts and also enlisting the Amendment Acts since the enactment of the Act. The footnotes have been duly provided for the amendments along with the enforcement dates. The comments in the form of notes on important judgments have also been provided at the appropriate places. The free Case-Law Referencer 2010-2019 provided with this book is a value addition. The Referencer contains more than 4,000 cases arranged with their relevant topic which will give the busy reader a quick idea of the ratio of the important judgments. This book shall be of immense help to the members of both Bar and the Bench, to the Law Departments, Industrial Establishments, Companies, Labour Departments/Organisations, and all those interested in finding the Labour Law legislations in India at one place. ... Read more Read less