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This great classic, since its inception in the year 1909, initially in the form of Lectures, has transformed over the years into a homogeneous treatise, brought about by the passing of the 1963 Act. This change however has not shaken the colour and verve of the original work, as utmost care have been taken by the revising authors to maintain its enduring value, and I sincerely hope that I too have been able to do justice to this monumental creation. Dr. S.C. Banerjee through his accuracy and lucidity of exposition of legal principles, laid down the foundation stone for this book's roaring success, as is explicit from the fact if one looks back at the number of editions and reprints it has gone through over a centrury. Every effort has been undertaken to bring the caselawuptodate. The thorough and comprehensive approach in respect of each and every section of the act, necessitated the synopsis tobe divided into numberous heads and subheads, coupled with sufficient indication provided at the top of the page as to the particular topic found discussed on that page to facilitate reference. A well planned and thorough index is also given at the end of the book. This edition too like its predecessors will prove as beneficial.