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This book is a single-volume, section-wise commentary for litigators, trademark agent, Judges, on the latest position of law on Trade Marks and Geographical Indications in India, UK and Europe. This edition provides up ?to- date position on trademark act, and includes latest judicial developments (refer product brief above) and latest legislative developments including the introduction of Trademark rules 2017 which entirely replaces the existing 2002 rules. Salient Features:- ? Single volume book covering Trade Marks and Geographical Indications. ? Analysis of Judicial decisions from India and UK and detailed appendices providing all relevant Acts and Rules ? International Trademark concepts such as: - UK Trade Marks Act, 1994, - Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property,1883-1979, - Madrid Protocol, 1996 etc, discussed ? This edition will include commentary on The Trade Mark Rules, 2017, which changes procedure of filing for trademarks. ? E. g. 74 forms reduced to just 8; Procedure for hearings through videoconferencing etc to streamline the procedure. ... Read more Read less