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A disciplined worker is an asset for an organization, but an inefficient or an indisciplined worker hinders its growth. A meticulous procedure is to be followed to comply with the principles of natural justice while terminating the services of a worker. Principles of natural justice are not codified, and their application varies in different situations hence, it is imperative to take precautions while dispensing services of employees who are ?workmen? under section 2(s) of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947, either by dismissal, discharge or retrenchment. Law Relating to Dismissal, Discharge & Retrenchment under Labour Laws is a handy referencer to understand various dimensions of laws governing service rules. Each edition of this title has been meticulously revised to include important judicial decisions, legislative amendments, and key developments in the subject area. Key Features: Presented in lucid language Includes ratio of important judgments Thoroughly updated with developments in the subject area Devised as per the needs and requirements of labour law practitioners, employers, employees, employee unions, and a valuable resource for academicians, research scholars, law students and institutional libraries ... Read more Read less