Letters on the State of Christianity in India: In which the Conversion of the Hindus is Considered as Impracticable

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Author: Abbe J.A. Dubois
Publisher: Manohar Publishers
ISBN-13: 9789360804299
Publishing year: June 2024
No of pages: 234
Weight: ‎ 788 g
Book binding: Hardcover

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<p>Letters of the State of Christianity in India contains a collection of letters to various dignitaries and the other officials associated with the estab­lished church i.e. Roman Catholic church about the mission experience in Southern India. It also contains the author’s firsthand experience of various customs and manners of the Hindu people by living like a typical Hindu man to gain confidence and win converts among the Hindu population but all in vain. About the Author Abbé J.A. Dubois (17651848) also known as Dodda Swami was a French Catholic missionary. He was part of the Etrangères de Paris order and spent most of his time in Mysore State Madras Presidency and Pondicherry missions. He authored books such as Hindu Manners Customs and Ceremony Hindu Social System First Famous Study Everyman Book of Hindu Religion &amp; Mythology etc.</p>