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Macroeconomics is a distinctive subject of economic studies. It examines, explores and analysis aggregate economic behavior of households, firms and government. This book is the result of the author`s long experience of teaching the courses on macroeconomics at various levels in Arts, Commerce and Management faculties of the Universities in India and abroad. The author has made an attempt to explore and discuss the subject-matter of core topics of macroeconomics in systematic, synthetic and lucid manner. The treatment will inspire the students community to be more interested in knowing and acquiring a good grasping of the subject. Contents : 1. Nature, Scope And Subject-Matter Of Macroeconomics 2. National Income: Meaning And Measurement 3. The Classical Macroeconomic Theory 4. The Keynesian Macroeconomic Theory 5. The Consumption Function 6. The Investment Function 7. Savings Investment Theory 8. Principles Of Multiplier And Acceleration 9. The Policy Measure 10. Business Cycles 11. Keynesian Anti-Cyclical Policy 12. Monetarism 13. Functions Of Money 14. Value Of Money 15. Inflation 16. Commercial Banking 17. Central Banking 18. Monetary Policy 19. Fiscal Policy 20. Supply Side Economics 21. International Trade 22. Theory Of Comparative Cost 23. Balance Of Payments 24. Foreign Exchange 25. Trade Policy 26. The International Monetary Fund 27. Goals Of Macroeconomic Policy 28. Economic Growth 29. The Classical Theory Of Economic Growth 30. The Neo-Classical Analysis Of Economic Development 31. Marxian Theory Of Capitalist Development 32. Planning For Development