K. C. Sankaranarayanan is currently Director School of Computer Science and Management Studies MES College Marampally Aluva Kerala: and former Head Department of Applied Economics and Dean Faculty of Social Sciences Cochin University of Science and Technology. He completed his masters degree in economics and doctorate from AMU and had post-doctoral training at Maison Des Sciences De L Homme Paris and Tilburg University Netherlands. Dr Sankaranarayanan has served as Dean Faculty of Social Sciences: Member Syndicate Academic council Senate Board of Studies in Industrial Management Board of Studies in Economics: and Chairman Board of Studies in Applied Economics at Mahatma Gandhi University University of Calicut Bharathiar University Mangalore University and Selam University. He has also served as Director Vidya Bharathi Institute of Management and Technology and the School of Computer Science and Management Studies MES College MarampaIly Aluva. ... Read more Read less
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