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This textbook 'Mathematical Techniques for Economic Analysis'is a basic and most essential textbook for Economics Honors and Post-Graduate Economics Students of all Indian Universities. Students from Commerce faculty and all those appearing for competitive examinations can also find the book useful to them. Commerce faculty and all those appearing for competitive examination can also find the book useful to them. The contents of the Book are made lucid simple with numerous illustrations so that non-mathematical students can also derive immense benefit from it. It can serve the needs of the advanced learners who are intending to make application of mathematics in economic theory. Most of the time students opt for their specialization in Economics at B.A. And M.A. Posses little background of mathematics. This textbook is designed to mitigate their problems and to transform them into experts in the subject of mathematical economics. The book can serve the requirement of students and teachers in faculties of Economics, Management, BMS and Commerce. It can be useful to all those who are also preparing for their competitive examinations like JRF, Entrance tests, Examinations like IES, IAS under UPSC and State Public Service Commission. The book incorporates chapter-wise solved questions of TYBA Economics papers of Mumbai University as sample paper solutions for the benefit of the students of all Indian universities. Content - 1. Introduction and Chapter Overview 3. Differentiation : Functions of one Variable Case 4. Applications of Derivative in Economics 5. Matrix Algebra : Application to Input - Output Analysis 6. Techniques of Partial Derivatives : Functions of Two or More Variables 7. Application of Partial Derivatives in Economics 8. Linear Programing 9. Constrained Optimization : Use of Lagrange Multiplier Method 10. Techniques of Integration 11. Economic Application of Integration ... Read more Read less