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This voluminous publication of Association of Physicians of India (API) encompasses the scientific proceedings of APICON 2020. Dr S Arulrhaj President Elect and Chairman—Scientific Committee in this Medicine Update 2020 has aptly covered the theme of this scientific meeting “Translating Expertise to Evidence” by emphasizing on the recent development in the field of medicine keeping in mind, Indian context. Besides including basic Clinical Medicine, it also covered newer modes of therapy and advances in drugs and devices. To make it more comprehensive, sections on Cardiology, Diabetology, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Nephrology, Emergency Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Geriatric Medicine, Obstetric Medicine, Nuclear Medicine, and Social Medicine have been included. A special section of Lifestyle Medicine is also included. To cover rest of the medicine, separate chapters on Oncology, Psychiatric Medicine, Poisoning and Toxicology, Vascular Medicine, and Hematology have been kept for the internist and postgraduates. The book also includes Futuristic Medicine, Radiology, and Miscellaneous to cover whole spectrum of medicine. The voluminous Medicine Update 2020 has 381 subjects moulded into a comprehensive amalgam for all the readers.