NSQF (Level 3) Dress Making Theory (I Year)

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Author: Mansi Agarwal
Publisher: Arihant Publications India Limited
ISBN-10: 9359981389
ISBN-13: 9789359981383
Publishing year: 2024
No of pages: 320
Weight: 72
Book binding: Paperback

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<p>BOOK STRUCTURE Covers 33 chapters of the complete syllabus&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 1rem;">BOOK FEATURES According to the newly revised syllabus Presents all the principles related to Dress Making in simple and accurate language Description of entire text material through tables and precise diagrams Multiple choice questions based on CBT pattern along with answer key at the end of each chapter Inclusion of English words under each chapter that are synonymous with technical terms&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">WHY THIS BOOK? Based on NIMI Pattern and the latest syllabus prescribed by DGT and NCVT Complete revised edition Explains various subjects and the entire related text material in simple language with precise diagrams.</span></p>