Nursing Adults with Long Term Conditions

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Author: Jane Nicol
Publisher: Learning Matters
Edition: 2nd Edition
ISBN-13: 9781473914322
Publishing year: September 2015
No of pages: 184
Weight: 340 grm
Language: English
Book binding: Paperback

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Focusing on the relevant knowledge and skills essential for effective care for people living with long-term conditions, this book covers everything from the impact of long-term conditions across the lifespan and the therapeutic relationship to symptom management, case management and advance care planning.  All activities, scenarios and case studies have been updated in light of the 6 Cs agenda to reflect the contemporary landscape of care, and to bring in recommendations from the Francis Report.  With integrated care and partnership working as themes within the book, it now includes more on the shift to community-based care and considers the complexity of mental health and how it may be affected by physical conditions.