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Nearly three-fourth of the Earth’s surface is covered in water. Oceanography also known as oceanology is the branch of Earth science that studies the ocean. It covers a wide range of topics including ecosystem dynamics ocean currents waves geophysical fluid dynamics plate tectonics geology of the sea floor fluxes of various chemical substances and their physical properties both within the ocean and across its boundaries. Oceanographic ecology is concerned with environmental factors and problems of organic adjustments quite different from those in fresh water. Animals are relatively more conspicuous than plants.
Even though it is widely referred to as a field concerned with the world below the surface of the sea it should include the contact zone between sea and atmosphere. The sky above the sea and even celestial bodies greatly impact both the ethos of the water bodies as well as the marine life within them.
Biological oceanography is a field of study that seeks to understand what controls the distribution and abundance of different types of marine life and how living organisms influence and interact with processes in the oceans.
This book examines in the detail the various dimensions of the Oceanographic environment and would be beneficial for students scientists and researchers.
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