Cathy FitzGerald is a writer and documentary-maker. She's a regular contributor to BBC Radio 4 3 and the World Service as presenter and producer making programmes on subjects including magic carpets love letter ghost-writing and why we like looking at blue sky. Her documentaries have won many prizes including Arias Third Coast Festival and Whicker's World. Radio Times called her 'one of radio's most original' creators. She has a DPhil in the work of Charles Dickens.
<p>Pinch Perkins is very excited that her Spark magic is finally here – she has been having so much fun bringing things to life (although Sir Furalot her beloved teddy bear is not happy about it!). But with magic comes responsibility – and when Pinch is told off one too many times by her mum and dad for causing chaos she starts to wonder if being magical is all it’s cracked up to be.</p><p>Then Pinch starts to have strange dreams feeling like someone – something – is watching her. Surely it can’t be the strange tree the one with bewitching red leaves that has appeared on Tricky Dragon Lane?</p><p>When Pinch awakens one night deep in the forest – an enchanted place full of dangerous and mysterious creatures – unicorns highway men ghosts! – she realises that she has been trapped by an evil ancient spirit bound to the heart of a tree. The only way Pinch can defeat this spirit is by embracing her Spark magic. The future of the magical world depends on it!</p>