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This title is designed to meet the requirements of those connected with labour management and for ensuring compliances of labour-related laws. It is an essential reference for those in the field of human resource management, industrial relations and personnel management. Efforts have been made to give the ratio of cases to enable readers to understand the implication of various provisions. Important enactments relating to labour laws have also been dealt in such a manner that anyone can easily understand legal implications. The book also includes model forms which are required by those who are either practicing in labour laws or, in any way, concerned with managing people at work and ensuring compliances. Key Features: An excellent resource for day-to-day effective management Provides model forms and formats for every situation; including conveying letters, notices, office orders, agreements, settlements, service rules, standing orders, chargesheets, warnings, etc. Model forms and drafts contain detailed explanation notes Each chapter is prefaced with an adequate exposition of the legal principles involved and suitable guidelines have been indicated with a view to their practical application ... Read more Read less