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In the wake of globalization, the corporate world is realizing potentiality and significance of product and brand management in shaping the future of their companies. As a matter of fact, business is marketing and marketing is all about products and brands. In the world’s business history, several companies have closed their businesses because of faulty and ineffective management of products and brands. Contents 1. Product Management 2. Understanding Indian Market Environment 3. Market Segmentation and Targeting 4. Product Classification 5. Product Life Cycle 6. New Product Development 7. Product Positioning Strategies 8. Packaging Management 9. Branding 10. Brand Loyalty 11. Brand Valuation Methods 12. Co-branding 13. Brand Logos and Mascots 14. Brand Revitalization 15. Brand Ambassadors 16. Brand Placement 17. Global Brands 18. Brand Building 19. Brand Equity 20. Brand Extension 21. New Brand Failures 22. Branding in Other Sectors 23. Customer Relationship Management 24. Case Analysis 25. References ... Read more Read less