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The psychology of language, or psycholinguistics is a vast, fascinating and rapidly growing field. This six-volume collection provides a modern, self-contained and accessible overview of the subject, presenting both sides of the major debates. The papers enable the reader to gather a balanced view of modern psychololinguistics, identify the key issues and references, and be familiar with all modern investigative techniques. The Psychology of Language is organized into the following five sections within the six volumes:Section One: ProductionSection Two: Recognition and ComprehensionSection Three: Recognition and Comprehension (continued) Section Four: Representation Section Five: DevelopmentContaining over 1,800 pages of the most seminal, cutting-edge and field defining papers in the field, this major work will prove an invaluable addition to any library with a collection in psychological science, and whose faculty and students wish to learn more about this historically significant discipline. ... Read more Read less