Raising Test Scores for All Students An Administrator's Guide to Improving Standardized Test Performance

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Author: Eugene Kennedy
Publisher: Corwin
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9780761945277
Publishing year: 2003-03-01
No of pages: 152 pages
Weight: 370 grm
Language: English
Book binding: Hardback

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Eugene Kennedy is an Associate Professor of Educational Research Methodology at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He is the Interim Chair for the Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Counseling. He teaches courses in educational measurement, statistics, and research. His current research interests include school effectiveness and accountability. He has published numerous articles and written several chapters in books. He has been a national consultant on test preparation for more than two decades.

Raising Test Scores for All Students marries knowledge about testing and test preparation with school improvement, providing a comprehensive guide for administrators looking for a systemic approach to the challenge of standardized testing. Eugene Kennedy includes a concise overview of the history and research on testing, case studies, flow charts and forms, as well as a four-step approach to improving performance: Step 1: adopting a systemic approach to improvement and change; Step 2: aligning the educational process with desired outcome; Step 3: aligning the education process with inputs; Step 4: creating positive change; plus strategies and techniques for motivating all your students.