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Researching Young Peoples Lives provides an overview of some of the key methodological challenges facing youth researchers and an introduction tthe broad repertoire of methods used in youth-orientated research The book is split inttwsections In the first half of the book, the authors consider the broad methodological and contextual concerns of relevance tthe design and conduct of youth research, including ethical issues, the importance of context, and the rise of participatory approaches tyouth research The second part of the book focuses on the use of specific research methods in the conduct of youth research, ranging from surveys and secondary analysis through tinterviewing, ethnography, visual methods, and the use of the internet in youth research Throughout the book, the emphasis is on research in practice, and examples are drawn from recent youth research projects from a wide range of disciplines and substantive areas, and from a range of both UK and non-UK contexts This is an ideal introduction tthe field for novice researchers, in particular students studying and researching in the broad area of youth studies It will alsappeal tpractitioners engaged in evaluation of service provision tyoung people, and testablished youth researchers whmight wish texplore the potential of using a different set of methods tthose with which they are already familiar