Experts Compilation
NTA organizes AISSEE Exam at the national level to get admission in Sainik School for Class VI & IX. To get through this entrance, students are required to give attention to every subject and must be familiar with examination pattern.
For a top-notch performance, get yourself the revised & updated edition of “AISSEE SAINIK SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM FOR CLASS VI”. To cater to all the needs of students, this guide is divided into 5 major sections providing complete syllabus coverage. Each chapter given in this book has been well explained in a student-friendly manner for quick grasping of concepts. It is further supported by the Latest Solved Papers which give insights into the examination pattern and question type. Apart from this, the book also contains 2 Practice Sets to strengthen the preparation level of the candidates. This book inculcates:
Complete study guide for AISSEE Exam
Dividing the syllabus into 5 major sections
Latest Solved Papers from 2023-2021
2 Practice Sets for quick revision