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The book is the most comprehensive and authoritative work on the Indian Contract and Specific Relief Act that explains and illustrates the provisions of the Act in a lucid, comprehensive and systematic manner. It intends to capture all major landmark judgments of Supreme Court and various High Courts. All the legislative changes since the last publication have been duly incorporated. It is a standard reference for Judges, lawyers, In house Counsels, Law firms, students, law professors and research scholars. Key Features: A comprehensive study on all aspects of law of Contract and Specific Relief Up to date with all the major judicial and legislative developments that has taken place in this field of law All-important judicial pronouncements have been incorporated. Adopts a lucid and analytical approach. New to this edition: The present edition has been extensively revised to include the latest judicial as well as the legislative developments. Latest case laws as well as the legislative amendments that have come about since the last publication has been incorporated. The provisions and the case laws that stands no longer effective in the light of amendments and developments that have taken place have been duly removed.