"Jacque Aye is the author of The Magical Girl's Guide to Life and the creator of Adorned by Chi, a popular magical girl manga and brand inspired by Nigerian culture and Sailor Moon. Jacque's passion lies in storytelling, mental health advocacy, and...cute things! You can learn more about her at Jacqueaye.com. Venus Bambisa is a character concept artist, comic book artist, and illustrator. One of his greatest hopes is to create his own fresh and never-before-seen intellectual property and inspire people to pursue their own passions."
<p>"Calling all Sailor Moon fans, Cardcaptor Sakura fans, Tokyo Mew Mew fans, and all magical girls to color in a self-love, self-esteem-boosting adventure with this unique coloring book for adults!</p><p>Be empowered on your adventure to find your best self with The Magical Girl’s Self-Care Coloring Book! Inspired by the iconic magical girls of your childhood, this follow-up coloring book contains over thirty gorgeous illustrations designed to guide you on your self-care journey!"</p>