1. Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and bestselling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the A21 Campaign, an anti–human trafficking organization. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. You can tune into Christine's weekly podcast, Equip & Empower, or her TBN television program to be encouraged with the hope of Jesus wherever you are. To learn more about Christine, visit www.christinecaine.com. 2. Lisa has been lauded as a compelling communicator, whose writing and speaking emphasize that accruing knowledge about God pales next to a real and intimate relationship with Jesus. Her style combines sound biblical exposition and exegesis with engaging anecdotes and comedic wit. Her vocational resume is comprised of 30+ years of church and para-church ministry leadership, including 6 years as the director of Focus on the Family's national women's ministry where she created the popular "Renewing the Heart" conferences, which were attended by almost 200,000 women, as well as a decade of touring with "Women of Faith," where she spoke to over a million women about the unconditional love of God.
<p>God meets us in the most profound and personal way.</p><p>Remember when your eyes used to well up with tears whenever you sang, Hark the</p><p>herald angels sing, glory to the newborn king that first Sunday after Thanksgiving?</p><p>What happened to the starry eyes we used to have only for Jesus?</p><p>In this four-week Bible study, we will together marvel at the truth: the supernatural</p><p>scaffolding of our belief system isn't a human construct but is instead a divine love</p><p>story wherein the King of all kings willingly sets aside His scepter in Glory, takes on our</p><p>like form, and condescends to be born in a trough in order to capture our distracted</p><p>human hearts.</p><p>This is a wake-up call to wonder! Join Lisa Harper and Christine Caine in a fresh</p><p>experience of the gospel and the miracle of Immanuel—God with us.</p><div><br></div>