The Political Economy of Indigo in India 1580-1930: A Global Perspective

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Author: Ghulam A. Nadri
Publisher: Manohar Publishers
ISBN-13: 9789360806354
Publishing year: February 2024
No of pages: 264
Weight: 700 grams
Book binding: Hardcover

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<p>In The Political Economy of Indigo in India 15801930: A Global Per­spective Ghulam A. Nadri explores the dynamics of the indigo industry and trade from a longterm perspective and examines the local and global forces that affected the potentialities of production in India and elsewhere and caused periods of boom and slump in the industry. Using the commodity chains conceptual framework he examines the stages in the trajectory of indigo from production to consumption. Nadri shows convincingly that the growth or decline in indigo produc­tion and trade in India was a part of the global processes of production trade and consumption and that indigo as a global commodity was embedded in the politics of empire and colonial expansion. About the Author Ghulam A. Nadri Ph.D. (2007) Leiden University is Associate Pro­fessor of History at Georgia State University. He has published a monograph EighteenthCentury Gujarat: The Dynamics of its Political Economy 17501800 (Brill 2009) and many journal articles and book chapters on early modern Gujarat and India.</p>