The Southern Silk Route: Historical Links and Contemporary Convergences

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Author: Lipi Ghosh
Publisher: Manohar Publishers
ISBN-13: 9789388540100
Publishing year: 2025
No of pages: 384
Weight: 535 g
Book binding: Hardcover

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<p>Southern Silk Route is the historic route which running from China to Myanmar ends up in Assam. The route has histor­ical importance as it served as a major artery of ancient trade articles. The Southern Silk Route: Historical Links and Contemporary Convergences attempts to sketch out the historical dimensions of the route and shows the con­temporary dynamics both positive and negative. It poses the question how history can extend a lesson in contemporary contexts. The book has two parts- theoretical articles on the route judging from a scholar’s perspective on one hand and explorers’ insight in the practical perspective on the other thus making it really interesting both for the scholar and the lay reader. About the Author Lipi Ghosh is Professor and Head in the Department of South &amp; South East Asian Studies at University of Calcutta. Her current interest lies in the issue of connectivities among Asian countries. As a historian her basic idea is to judge contemporary international relations in historical backdrops. She is a former Fulbright Scholar Asia Fellow CWIT Fellow and ICCR Chair Professor to Lund University.</p>