The Tale of the Tulsi Plant and Other Studies

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Author: C.A. Kincaid
Publisher: Manohar Publishers
ISBN-13: 9789360808563
Publishing year: February 2024
No of pages: 190
Weight: 788 g
Book binding: Hardcover

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<p>This book focuses on Western India. The book begins with the story of Tulsi (Basil) plant Shami (Ghaf) and Indian Bel (Bael) tree. It covers the history of the Maratha Empire the arrival of Mughals in Deccan during the period of Aurangzeb the emergence of the Maratha confederacy under the Peshwa rule and the emergence and the subsequent rule of British East India Company. This book covers the interactions of Portuguese subjects with the Marathas the bakhar literature of Dabhades and Gaikwads and the court scenes. Also this book contains sayings and philosophies from Kathiawar Deccan and compositions by Muslim and Parsee communities. About the Author A high court judge in colonial India C.A. Kincaid (18701954) has authored several books focussed on Indian sub­continent. He is the author of several books such as Folk Tales of Sind and Guzarat History of the Maratha People etc.</p>