What Successful Science Teachers Do

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Author: Neal A Glasgow
Publisher: Corwin
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781412972345
Publishing year: November 2010
No of pages: 272
Weight: 570 grm
Language: English
Book binding: Paperback

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Using the very successful format of the What Successful Teachers Dseries, Neal Glasgow, Michele Cheyne, and Randy Yerrick present 75 research-based strategies for effective science instruction Each strategy includes a brief description of the research, the classroom applications, possible pitfalls during implementation, and the source citations for those whwant tlearn more These strategies allow secondary science teachers tdifferentiate instruction within an inquiry approach Readers will learn how to: - Engage students in inquiry-based science - Promote collaborative learning - Incorporate technology intactivities and assignments - Use formative assessment tengage students in content and instruction - Develop culturally responsive practices that invite contributions from diverse students - Build students scientific literacy and reasoning skills - Involve parents in their childrens science learning