Shad Helmstetter, PhD, is a bestselling author of many personal growth books, and the leading authority in the field of self-talk.
<p>You don't have to be crazy to talk to yourself!</p><p>We all talk to ourselves all of the time, usually without realising it. And most of what we tell ourselves</p><p>is negative, counterproductive and damaging…preventing us from enjoying a fulfilled and successful</p><p>life.</p><p>Shad Helmstetter's simple but profound techniques, based on an understanding of the processes of</p><p>the human brain, have enabled thousands of people to regain control of their lives.</p><p>By learning how to talk to yourself in new ways, you will notice a dramatic improvement in all areas of</p><p>your life. You will feel better and accomplish more. It will help you achieve more at work and at home,</p><p>lose weight, overcome fears, stop smoking and become more confident. And it works.</p><div><br></div>