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Accounting for Management

₹775.50 M.R.P.:₹ 825.00 You Save: ₹49.50  (6.00% OFF)
Accounting has been important throughout history and in all forms of economic structures. It continues to evolve and respond to changes in informational needs of its users. Basically, there are two types of users of accounting information – external users and internal users. Though financial accounting are meant only for internal users i.e. management, yet financial accounting information is also used by internal users. This is because the management needs all types of accounting information for efficiently performing its functions of planning, controlling and decision making. The present volume is designed to meet the need of management for knowledge of accounting. Managers and potential managers should have thorough understanding of all types of accounting i.e. financial accounting, cost accounting and management accounting. Keeping this in view, this volume is divided into four sections in logical sequence. Section I deals with basics of financial accounting, Section II explain analysis and interpretation of financial statements prepared under financial accounting, Section III deals with fundamentals of cost accounting and Section IV explain basic techniques used in management accounting. Contents - Section 1 : Basic Financial Accounting 1. Introduction to Accounting 2. Accounting Principles 3. Accounting Process 4. Subsidiary Books 5. Rectification of Errors 6. Bank Reconciliation Statement 7. Final Accounts (Financial Statements) 8. Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves 9. Inventory Valuation Section 2 : Analysing Accounting Information 10. Methods of Financial analysis 11. Financial Ratio Analysis 12. Funds Flow Statement 13. Cash Flow Statement Section 3 : Cost Accounting 14. Cost Accounting - Nature and Scope 15. Basic Cost Concepts 16. Cost Sheet and Price Quotations 17. Process Costing 18. Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts Section 4 : Management Accounting 19. Management Accounting - Introduction 20. Budgeting and Budgetary Control 21. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis 22. Marginal Costing and Break-even Analysis 23. Strategic Decision Making 24. Responsibility Accounting and Transfer Pricing 25. Recent Development in Cost Management

Cost and Management Accounting

₹653.30 M.R.P.:₹ 695.00 You Save: ₹41.70  (6.00% OFF)
I take great pleasure in presenting this thoroughly revised and updated fourth edition of Cost and Management Accounting. The learned professors and students have always praised the excellent presentation of the subject matter in a simple and lucid style and the utility of the solved and unsolved problems in the book from examination point of view. I thank them for their compliments and also for their support and suggestions. I assure them that while revising the book, I always have students in mind and fully utilize the opportunity to improve the subject matter. In this edition, text matter in all chapters has been thoroughly revised and numerical questions from various recent examinations have been given included - Objective type questions have been added in chapters as suggested Contents : 1. Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting 2. Basic Cost Concepts 3. Material Cost - Accounting and Control 4. Employee (Labour) Cost - Accounting and Control 5. Overhead Cost - Accounting and Control 6. Cost Sheet, Tenders and Quotations 7. Contract Costing 8. Process Costing 9. Absorption Costing and Marginal (Variable) Costing 10. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 11. Marginal Costing and Decision Making 12. Budgetary Control 13. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis 14. Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements 15. Ratio Analysis 16. Funds Flow Statement 17. Cash Flow Statement 18. Recent Developments in Cost Management 19. Activity Based Costing (ABC)

Management Accounting

₹170.10 M.R.P.:₹ 210.00 You Save: ₹39.90  (19.00% OFF)
The book has been divided into six chapters as per the syllabus. Based on the conviction that students can really learn management accounting by solving problems, the theory and problems approach has been adopted to fully meet all the examination needs of the students in this volume. Thus apart from well organized theory, this book has more than 140 solved problems and illustrations and more than 90 unsolved problems with answers and hints, apart from than 110 short answer questions and more than 50 selected theory questions. This will help students tackle examination questions with ease. The theory questions and practical problems and illustration have been mostly selected from B.Com and BBM of leading Indian universities. Book Content of Management Accounting Nature and Scope of Management Accounting Funds Flow Statement Cash flow Statements Ratio Analysis Budgetary Control Marginal Costing Appendix 1 Skill Development Appendix 2 Model Test Papers

Financial Accounting and Analysis

₹493.50 M.R.P.:₹ 525.00 You Save: ₹31.50  (6.00% OFF)
The book on 'Financial Accounting and Analysis' lays particular emphasis on the fundamentals of Accounting; Accounting Standards; and analysis of the Financial Statements for a better understanding of the information contained in the financial Statements. A sincere and an earnest attempt is made to present the information in a non-technical, simple and lucid manner so as to enable the reader to understand the subject matter without difficulty. The book is designed focusing its attention not only on the Syllabus of the MBA of Osmania University but also on general understanding about the Accounting subject. The book contains sufficiently, working notes and explanations have been provided. At the end of each Chapter, problems are given and by solving them, the students will gain confidence to face the exam paper. Contents - Unit – I 1. Basics of Financial Accounting 2.Books of Original Record journal 3. Ledger 4. Trial Balance Unit - II 5. Financial Statements 6. Final Accounts 7. Depreciation 8. Valuation of Inventories Unit – III 9. Financial Statements Analysis 10. Ratio Analysis Unit – IV 11. Funds Flow Analysis 12. Cash Flow Analysis Unit – V 13. Accounting Standards 14. Human Resource Accounting 15. Balanced Score Card

Strategic Cost Management

₹269.70 M.R.P.:₹ 290.00 You Save: ₹20.30  (7.00% OFF)
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, changes in the business environment have profoundly affected cost accounting and cost management. These changes are an increased emphasis on providing value to two customers, globalisation of markets, growth of services industry and awareness of ethical and environmental business practices. Therefore, the new cost management system can be more accurately referred to as an activity and strategic based cost management system. The book covers lucid presentation, tailor-made approach comprehensive text with plenty of illustrations and has several additional welcome features. The book covers the course contents of the students preparing for MBA/MMS of the University of Mumbai and other Universities in India and M.Com., CA, CS and ICWA and other professional examinations. Contents : 1. Cost Analysis for Strategic Business Decisions 2. Different Aspects of Strategic Cost Management 3. Activity Based Costing 4. Value Chain Analysis and Long-term Cost Management 5. Objective Based Costing 6. Balance Scorecard Concept 7. Audit 8. Strategic Cost-Benefit Analysis 9. Abbreviations

Management Accounting

₹484.38 M.R.P.:₹ 598.00 You Save: ₹113.62  (19.00% OFF)
Management Accounting in recent years has become one of the important thrust areas of commerce and management inviting the attention of academicians to include it in the curricula of commerce and management studies of almost all universities and professional bodies. Arrive at concrete and sound decisions in the midst of complexities by serving not only as ‘information retrieving system’ but also as information dissemination system. However, for formulating appropriate financial strategies to operate with increased financial strength and with good corporate governance, one should have an exposure to the different ramifications of the management accounting system. Contents 1. Nature and Scope of Management Accounting 2. Financial Statement Analysis 3. Ratio Analysis 4. Funds Flow Statement 5. Cash Flow Statement 6. Working Capital Analysis 7. Marginal Costing 8. Budgeting and Budgetary control 9. Capital Budgeting 10. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis

Advanced Accountancy

₹395.25 M.R.P.:₹ 425.00 You Save: ₹29.75  (7.00% OFF)
The science of accounting is a continuing one and is still in the process of development. New accounting techniques, procedures and concepts have become necessary to keep pace with changing economic conditions and therefore with changing objectives of accounting. International and national accounting bodies such as 'Accounting Standards Institute' and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India' are persistently, attempting to formulate, introduce and implement accounting principles, policies and standards keeping in view the needs of fast changing business world. Unique Features of this book are : The entire book is designed on 'teach yourself' technique which enables the students to learn faster. Theory is written in simple language discussing each topic with clarity. . With a view of developing sufficient confidence amongst the students to solve problems in examinations. Every solved problem is followed by a similar unsolved exercise. To illustrate, a student can solve Illustration 1, then to test his own understanding of the concepts explained in the Illustration he can solve exercise Ex. 1 (an unsolved problem based upon Illustration 1). The detailed answers to unsolved exercises with hints and notes have been given at the bottom of each exercise. . Sufficient illustrations, summary charts have been given at proper places to enable the students to understand the subject properly. . Problems set by the Indian Universities and professional institutions in the examinations up to March, 2012 have been included either by way of illustrations and exercises. A special care has been taken to sequence these problems by using the teaching principles of `Simple to complex`. Contents : 1. Bank Final Accounts 2. Hire Purchase System (Excluding Hire Purchase Trading Account) 3. Insurnace Claims (Loss of Stock and Profit) 4. Introduction to Stock Markets 5. Introduction to Cost Accounting and Management Accounting Model Questions as per Revised Format

Accounting for Management

₹630.00 M.R.P.:₹ 840.00 You Save: ₹210.00  (25.00% OFF)
Accounting for Management discusses the concepts and principles of financial accounting, cost and management accounting for the purpose of preparing accounting statements and reports and their uses in planning, control and business decisions. It provides a comprehensive coverage of topics useful to business managers, management graduates and professionals. Written in a clear, concise and logical manner, the book focuses on how to use accounting information to measure and evaluate business performance and take business decisions. The book is intended primarily for those who are pursuing MBA and other specialized management programmes in Indian Universities and Management Institutes. It will be equally useful to those who are concerned with developing requisite knowledge in financial and cost and management accounting for managerial competence and success in business world. Book Content of Accounting for Management SECTION ONE : FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 1. Financial and Management Accounting: An Overview 2. Accounting Postulates, Concepts, Principles 3. Accounting Equation and Transaction Analysis 4. Accounting Mechanics I : Journals 5. Cash Book and Subsidiary Books 6. Accounting Mechanics II: Ledger Posting and Trial Balance 7. Bank Reconciliation Statement 8. Errors and Their Rectification 9. Preparation of Financial Statements: Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet 10. Depreciation Accounting 11. Inventory Valuation 12. Statement of Changes in Financial Position (SCFP) 13. Cash Flow Statement 14. Financial Statement Analysis SECTION TWO : COST & MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 15. Nature of Cost Accounting 16. Cost : Concepts and Classifications 17. Materials Control 18. Labour Cost Accounting and Control 19. Overheads : Distribution 20. Job, Contract Batch Costing 21. Process Costing 22. Service Costing 23. Marginal (Variable) Costing 24. Alternative Choices Decisions 25. Standard Costing 26. Budgeting 27. Responsibility Accounting, Divisional Performance Mesurement and Transfer Pricing 28. Activity-Based Costing (ABC) Appendix - Cases

Essentials of Managerial Accounting

₹283.50 M.R.P.:₹ 350.00 You Save: ₹66.50  (19.00% OFF)
Management accounting deals with the development and use of accounting information by different organizations for the purpose of decision making, Planning, control, product costing and performance evaluation. The field of management accounting has been influenced greatly by the competitive and complex business environment. This requires that management accounting as a discipline should help the managers who are faced with managerial accounting issues and managerial problems in their organizations. Managers if Indian companies need to make business decisions with sound knowledge and understanding of the use of accounting information for the efficient and profitable functioning of their enterprises. The text `Managerial Accounting` focuses on the uses of managerial accounting information to resolve different managerial issues emerging in different organizations. The book makes a comprehensive coverage of important topics, current trends in management accounting and presents the concepts, techniques and use of accounting information in a clear, concise and logical manner. Contents : 1. Scope of Managerial Accounting 2. Statement of Changes in Financial Position (SCEP) 3. Financial Statement Analysis 4. Cost Classifications 5. Marginal (Variable) Costing 6. Differential Analysis and Decision Making 7. Budgeting 8. Responsibility Accounting 9. Standard Costing

Financial Accounting

₹620.40 M.R.P.:₹ 660.00 You Save: ₹39.60  (6.00% OFF)
‘Financial Accounting, Text and Problem’ presents an all-encompassing and up-to-date discussion of the fundamental accounting concepts and principles and their uses in a logical, concise, clear and lucid manner. The present text has been written with the primary objective of providing a comprehensive, useful, flexible and well presented book to serve the complete needs of B.Com. (Hons.) and B.Com. students of Indian universities and management institutes.The book contains many pedagogical features such as the following. - Each chapter begins with a set of learning objectives focused on the major issues covered in the chapter. - The coverage in the chapters concisely addresses more substantive and topics for commercial and industrial enterprises. - The book has more and better solved practical problem then the competitors. - Chapter conclude with assignment material, short answer theory questions and practical problems. These end-of-chapter materials cover full spectrum of the chapter text, test understanding of the chapter contents and tie directly with the text in terminology, setup and difficulty level. - All the theory questions and the solved practical problems given in the text have been taken from B.Com.(Hons.) examination of University of Delhi, CA (Professional Competence Course Examination), ICWA (Intermediate)examinations. - An Appendix containing objective type question along with the answers has been given at the end of the book to help students assess understanding of the financial accounting knowledge.The objective type question given are True/False Question, Multiple Choice Questions and Fill in the Blank Question. - Solutions Manual, as a supplement to the text, Provides complete solution to all the practical problems contained in the concerned chapters of the book. Contents- Part - I : An Overview of Financial Accounting 1. Financial Accoubnting : Nature and Scope 2. Basic Accounting Concepts and Financial Statement 3. Accounting Standards Part - II : Recording of Tranctions and Preparation of Final Accounts 4. The Accounting Framework and Transaction Analysis 5. Accounting Process - I : Journalization 6. Accounting Process - I