Surgical Oral Pathology is a concise book providing basic knowledge for undergraduate and postgraduate students and practising dentists. In addition, this book gives a thorough understanding of the lesion being operated and will help the surgeon to discuss the probable outcome of the surgery and recurrence. This book is a pioneer effort in this discipline and should serve as a handy reference/guide for all oral surgeons.
The scope of addition of new topics in this book for which ideas from the students and the teachers are always most welcome. Students and the learned teachers may always act as a honourable judge for this pious work and they are the keys for opening the locks of the doors of the Educations which in fact has got no boundary.
The present book encompasses different sub-divisions of anatomy to enable students of dentistry to learn all the relevant aspects of a topic like osteology soft parts development and clinical application at the same time since they have been dealt with exhaustively. It is common knowledge that bone carries our anatomy and forms its central part. As such each topic begins with a brief description of the skeletal framework of the region followed by the description of the surrounding soft parts. The study of soft parts does not merely lie in cramming of relations of structures but it essentially relies on visualization of parts and regions based on dissection and diagrams.
Anatomy if not understood in its proper perspective and only memorised in parts tends to be forgotten. Anatomy per se is a visual science and the best methods of visual recall of structural interrelationship are simple diagrams. Line diagrams which can be easily reproduced constitute an important feature of the book. Besides this book is profusely illustrated with diagrams to serve as the readers delight. Every mutual relationship of soft structures has been explained by well-placed diagrams. . The volume also caters to the exam-oriented needs of students. It is widely recognised by the knowledgeable people that anatomy can be made interesting easy to understand and to assimilate by dealing with its clinical application. At the end of each topic under the heading Clinical Application close relationships existing between the regional anatomy and clinical medicine are explained. Thus the book is meant to be very useful to the students during their clinical years. It is hoped that the book will be highly useful for students of dentistry.
This book has been conceived and written to make learning of anatomy more purposeful.
The students are expected to know all the topic as well as specific information and last minute relevant details having clinical importance. This series is structured to cover the essential aspects of BDS syllabus for quick reference in question answers format. It include almost all the topics presented in the syllabus by Dental Council of India in a simple language.
Collection of original Previous Years Solved Papers covering from 2009 to 2014,Answers carry references with short and crisp explanations in the form of tables,charts and points: Preventing wastage of time in reading unnecessary information,Questions are segregated on the basis of references: Allowing easy study, Subject wise weightage analysis table is added: Explains where you need to concentrate more, Answers are presented in simple, lucid format along with flow charts and tables: Easy to remember.
Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Instruments provides a complete insight into various instruments used in oral and maxillofacial region surgeries. It aims to serve the undergraduate and postgraduate students in dental sciences, all the practising oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and the trainees in this specialty to understand the instruments better.
Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Instruments provides a complete insight into various instruments used in oral and maxillofacial region surgeries. It aims to serve the undergraduate and postgraduate students in dental sciences, all the practising oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and the trainees in this specialty to understand the instruments better.
The Atlas will be useful not only to the undergraduate and postgraduate dental students but also the general practitioners, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, head and neck surgeons, and plastic reconstructive surgeons interested in this field.
Salient Features : Prepared as per the syllabus prescribed by Dental Council of India (DCI), Chapterwise questions arranged as Long Essays, Short Essays and Short Answers.
More than 400 Questions–Answers presented in a simple and lucid language, Features flow charts, tables and handmade histopathology diagrams, Color plates for histopathology diagrams.
Burket’s Oral Medicine – Eleventh Edition, published by CBS Publishers and Distributors, is a comprehensive book on oral health and medicine. It discusses fundamental and advanced concepts on the subject. A large number of pictures and illustrations are incorporated to explain the relatively complex topics in a simpler way.