Categories: Business Law

Economic Business & Commercial Laws (EBCL) | CRACKER

₹315.00 M.R.P.:₹ 350.00 You Save: ₹35.00  (10.00% OFF)
<p>"This book is prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. It covers the questions (topic-wise) &amp; detailed answers strictly as per the syllabus of ICSI.</p><p>The Present Publication is the 8th Edition for CS-Executive | June/Dec. 2023 Exams. This book is authored by CS N.S. Zad &amp; Mayur Agarwal, with the following noteworthy features:Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICSI, Coverage of this book includes, Fully-Solved Questions of Past Exams, including: Solved Paper: December 2022 | New Syllabus, [Arrangement of Questions] Topic-wise arrangement of past exam questions &amp; answers, [Most Amended &amp; Updated] Covers the latest applicable provisions and amendments under the respective laws, [Marks Distribution] Chapter-wise marks distribution for past exams from June 2015 onwards, [Trend Analysis] for previous exams from December 2020 onwards, [ICSI Study Material] Chapter-wise comparison for past exams.</p><p>The contents of this book are as follows: Part A – Foreign Exchange Management &amp; NBFCs, Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, FEMA – Current &amp; Capital Account Transactions, Liberalized Remittance Scheme, FEMA – Foreign Direct Investment in India, FEMA – Direct Investment Outside, External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010, Foreign Trade Policy &amp; Procedures, Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC), Special Economic Zones Act, 2005. Part B – Competition Law, Competition Act, 2002. Part C – Commercial Laws, Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Essential Commodities Act, 1955, Legal Metrology Act, 2009..Part D – Property Laws, Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Real Estate (Regulation &amp; Development) Act, 2016. Part E – Anti-Corruption Laws, Prohibition of Benami Property Transaction Act, 1988, Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. Part F – Business Laws, Contract Act, 1872, Specific Relief Act, 1963, Sale of Goods Act, 1930, Partnership Act, 1932, Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881."</p>

Securities Law & Capital Markets (SLCM) | CRACKER

₹337.50 M.R.P.:₹ 375.00 You Save: ₹37.50  (10.00% OFF)
<p>"This book is prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. It covers the questions (topic-wise) &amp; detailed answers strictly as per the syllabus of ICSI.</p><p>The Present Publication is the 8th Edition for CS-Executive | June/Dec. 2023 Exams. This book is authored by CS N.S. Zad, with the following noteworthy features: Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICSI, Coverage of the book includes, Fully-Solved Questions of Past Exams, Solved Paper: Dec. 2022 | New Syllabus, [Topic-wise] arrangement of past exam questions &amp; answers, [Most Amended &amp; Updated] Covers the latest applicable provisions and amendments under the Companies Act, 2013 &amp; SEBI Regulations, [Marks Distribution] Chapter-wise marks distribution from June 2013 onwards, [Previous Exam Trend Analysis] from June 2021 onwards, [ICSI Study Material] Chapter-wise comparison for past exams.</p><p>The contents of this book are as follows:, Part I – Securities Law, Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, Securities &amp; Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, Depositories Act, 1996, An Overview of the SEBI (Issue of Capital &amp; Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2018, SEBI (Listing Obligations &amp; Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares &amp; Takeovers) Regulations, 2011, SEBI (Buy-Back of Securities) Regulations, 2018, SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulation, 2021, Share Based Employee Benefits, Issue of Sweat Equity, SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, Mutual Funds, Collective Investment Schemes, SEBI (Ombudsman) Regulations, 2003, Part II – Capital Markets &amp; Intermediaries, Structure of Capital Markets, Capital Markets Instruments, Important Aspects of Primary Market &amp; Secondary Market, Securities Market Intermediaries."</p>

Company Law | Study Material

₹760.75 M.R.P.:₹ 895.00 You Save: ₹134.25  (15.00% OFF)
<p>"This book is prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. It covers the entire revised syllabus as per ICSI. This book aims to systematically represent the subject matter so that students do not consciously have to mug up provisions.</p><p>The Present Publication is the 5th Edition &amp; updated till 30th November 2022 for CS-Executive | June/Dec. 2023 Exams, with the following noteworthy features: Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICSI, [Topic-wise Tabular Presentation] of the subject matter, [Easy to Understand Language] used throughout the book for easy learning, [Examples, Comments &amp; Explanatory Notes] for complicated provisions, [Most Amended &amp; Updated] This book covers the latest applicable provisions and amendments under the respective laws, Coverage of this book includes: Past Exam Question, Solved Paper: December 2022 (New Syllabus), [Practice Questions] with Hints, [Student-Oriented Book] The authors have developed this book keeping in mind the following factors: Interaction of the authors with their students, with specific emphasis on difficulties faced by students in the examinations, Shaped by the authors experience of teaching the subject matter at different levels, Reactions and responses of students have also been incorporated at different places in the book.</p><p>The detailed contents of the book are as follows:Part A – Company Law, Principles &amp; Concepts, Introduction to Company Law, Prospectus and Alteration of Share Capital, Shares, Share Capital and Shareholders, Membership, Debt Instruments and Deposits, Charges, Distribution of Profits and Dividends, Corporate Social Responsibility, Accounts, Audit and Auditors, Transparency and Disclosures, Inter-Corporate Loans, Investments, Guarantees and Security, Related Party Transactions, Registers and Records, Corporate Reorganization, MCA-21 and filing in XBRL, Global Developments, Part B – Company Administration and Meetings – Law and Practices, Directors, Appointment and Remuneration of Key Managerial Personnel, Meeting of the Board and its Committees, Board Constitution and its Powers, General Meetings, Virtual Meetings, Part C – Company Secretary as a Profession, Legal Framework Governing Company Secretaries, Secretarial Standards Board, Mega Firms."</p>

Securities Laws & Capital Markets (SLCM) | Study Material

₹796.25 M.R.P.:₹ 875.00 You Save: ₹78.75  (9.00% OFF)
<p>"This book is prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. It covers the entire revised syllabus as per ICSI. This book aims to systematically represent the subject matter so that students do not consciously have to mug up provisions.</p><p>The Present Publication is the 4th Edition for CS-Executive | June/Dec. 2023 Exams. This book is authored by CS N.S. Zad &amp; CS Divya Bajpai with the following noteworthy features: Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICSI, [Topic-wise Tabular Presentation] of the subject matter, [Easy to Understand Language] used throughout the book for easy learning, [Examples, Comments &amp; Explanatory Notes] for complicated provisions, [Most Amended &amp; Updated] This book covers the latest applicable provisions and amendments under the respective laws.</p><p>Coverage of this book includes: Past Exam Questions, Topic-wise, including the December 2022 Exam, Practice Questions with Hints, [Chapter-wise Marks Distribution] from June 2015 onwards, [Comparison with ICAI Study-Material] has been provided chapter-wise, [Trend Analysis] for Previous Exams from June 2021 onwards, [Student-Oriented Book] The authors have developed this book keeping in mind the following factors: Interaction of the authors with their students, with specific emphasis on difficulties faced by students in the examinations, Shaped by the authors experience of teaching the subject matter at different levels, Reactions and responses of students have also been incorporated at different places in the book.</p><p>The contents of this book are as follows: Part I – Securities Laws, Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, Securities &amp; Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, Depositories Act, 1996, An Overview of the SEBI (Issue of Capital &amp; Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2018, SEBI (Listing Obligations &amp; Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares &amp; Takeovers) Regulations, 2011, SEBI (Buy-Back of Securities) Regulations, 2018, SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulation, 2021, Share-based Employee Benefits, Issue of Sweat Equity Shares, SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, Mutual Funds, Collective Investment Schemes, SEBI (Ombudsman) Regulations, 2003, Part II – Capital Markets &amp; Intermediaries, Structure of Capital Markets, Capital Markets Instruments, Important Aspects of Primary Market &amp; Secondary Market, Securities Market Intermediaries."</p>

Tax Laws including GST & Customs Laws (Tax) | CRACKER | A.Y. 2023-24

₹318.50 M.R.P.:₹ 350.00 You Save: ₹31.50  (9.00% OFF)
<p>"This book is prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. It covers the questions &amp; detailed answers strictly as per the new syllabus of ICSI.</p><p>The Present Publication is the 13th Edition for CS-Executive | June/Dec. 2023 Exams. This book is authored by CS N.S. Zad &amp; CA Pratik Neve, with the following noteworthy features: Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICSI, Coverage of this book includes: All Past Exam Questions, including: CS Executive Dec. 2022 | New Syllabus, [Practical MCQs] with hints, [Most Updated &amp; Amended] Solutions in this book are provided as per the following: [Income Tax Solutions] as per Assessment Year 2023-24, [GST/Customs Solutions] are amended &amp; updated as per the latest GST Laws, [Marks Distribution] Chapter-wise marks distribution, [Comparison with ICSI Study Material] is given chapter-wise.</p><p>The contents of this book are as follows: Part I – Direct Taxes (50 Marks), Basic Concepts, Residential Status, Income from Salary,Income from House Property, Profits &amp; Gains from Business or Profession, Capital Gains, Income from Other Sources, Clubbing of Incomes, Aggregation of Income and Set-off or Carry Forward of Losses, Deductions from Total Income, Agriculture Income &amp; Exempted Income, Assessment of Individual &amp; HUF, Assessment of Partnership Firms, LLPs, AOPs &amp; BOI, Assessment of Companies, Assessment of Trust, Return of Income, TDS, Advance Tax, Interest Payable by/to Assessees, Types of Assessment &amp; Procedure of Various Assessments, Appeals, Revisions, Settlement, Penalties, Offences &amp; Recovery of Tax, Offences &amp; Penalties, Part II – Indirect Taxes (50 Marks), Goods &amp; Services Tax (GST), Customs Act, 1962."</p>

Tax Laws (TAX) | MCQs

₹565.25 M.R.P.:₹ 595.00 You Save: ₹29.75  (5.00% OFF)
<p>These books are prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement, Paper 4 on Tax Laws (TAX), authored by K.M. Bansal, Anjali Agarwal, N.S. Zad &amp; Pratik Neve. This Combo covers the revised syllabus as per ICSI for Dec. 2022 Exams. It includes the following books:MCQs on Tax Laws, CRACKER for Tax Laws.</p><p>The key features of these books are as follows: MCQs on Tax Laws, This book is prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. The Present Publication is the 6th Edition &amp; updated till 31st May 2022 for CS-Executive | New Syllabus | Dec. 2022. This book is authored by CA (Dr.) K.M. Bansal &amp; CA Anjali Agarwal, with the following noteworthy features: Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICSI, [Coverage] of this book includes, [Theory &amp; Practical Based MCQs] with Hints for Practical Questions, [Past Year Examination Questions &amp; Answers], CS Executive December 2021 | New Syllabus, CS Executive June 2022.&nbsp;</p><p>New Syllabus, [OMR Based Examination], [Most Updated &amp; Amended] Solutions in this book are provided as per the following: [Income Tax Solutions] as per Assessment Year 2022-23, [GST/Customs Solutions] as per the Latest Applicable Law, CRACKER for Tax Laws.</p><p>This book is prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. It covers the questions &amp; detailed answers strictly as per the new syllabus of ICSI.</p><p>The Present Publication is the 12th Edition &amp; updated till 31st May 2022 for CS-Executive | New Syllabus | Dec. 2022 Exams. This book is authored by CS N.S. Zad &amp; CA Pratik Neve, with the following noteworthy features: Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICSI, Coverage of this book includes:All Past Exam Questions, including: CS Executive June 2022 | New Syllabus, [Practical MCQs] with hints, [Most Updated &amp; Amended] Solutions in this book are provided as per the following:[Income Tax Solutions] as per Assessment Year 2022-23, [GST/Customs Solutions] Amended &amp; Updated GST Laws along with applicable Circulars/Notifications, [Marks Distribution] Chapter-wise marks distribution, [Comparison with ICSI Study Material] Chapter-wise.</p>

Economic Business & Commercial Laws (EBCL) | Study Material

₹860.25 M.R.P.:₹ 925.00 You Save: ₹64.75  (7.00% OFF)
<p>"This book is prepared exclusively for the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. It covers the entire revised syllabus as per ICSI. This book aims to systematically represent the subject matter so that the students do not have to consciously mug up provisions.</p><p>The Present Publication is the 4th Edition &amp; updated till 30th November 2022 for CS-Executive | June/Dec. 2023 Exams. This book is authored by CS N.S. Zad &amp; CS Divya Bajpai with the following noteworthy features: Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICSI, [Topic-wise Tabular Presentation] of the subject matter, [Easy to Understand Language] used throughout the book for easy learning, [Examples, Comments &amp; Explanatory Notes] for complicated provisions, [Most Amended &amp; Updated] This book covers the latest applicable provisions and amendments under the respective laws.</p><p>Coverage of this book includes: Past Exam Questions (Topic-wise), including the Dec. 2022 Exam,[Practice Questions] with Hints, [Topic-wise Marks Distribution] from June 2012 onwards, [Student-Oriented Book] The authors have developed this book keeping in mind the following factors: Interaction of the authors with their students, with specific emphasis on difficulties faced by students in the examinations, Shaped by the authors experience of teaching the subject matter at different levels, Reaction and responses of students have also been incorporated at different places in the book.</p><p>The detailed contents of this book are as follows: Part A – Foreign Exchange Management &amp; NBFCs, Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, FEMA – Current &amp; Capital Account Transactions, Liberalized Remittance Scheme, FEMA – Foreign Direct Investment in India, FEMA – Direct Investment Outside India, External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010, Foreign Trade Policy &amp; Procedures, Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC), Special Economic Zones Act, 2005, Part B – Competition Law, Competition Act, 2002, Part C – Commercial Laws, Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Essential Commodities Act, 1955, Legal Metrology Act, 2009,Part D – Property Laws, Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Real Estate (Regulation &amp; Development) Act, 2016, Part E – Anti-Corruption Laws, Benami Transaction (Prohibition) Act, 1988, Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, Part F – Business Laws, Indian Contract Act, 1872, Specific Relief Act, 1963, Sale of Goods Act, 1930, Partnership Act, 1932, Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881."</p>

Company Law by Tejpal Sheth (CS-Executive)

₹850.25 M.R.P.:₹ 895.00 You Save: ₹44.75  (5.00% OFF)
<p>"Incorporating : All Fully solved theoretical and practical question of past 30 CS-Executive Exams (Including June 2018 exam), More than 1200 questions with answers, Tabular Presentation of theory with practical case laws, Coverage of Merger-Amalgamation,Winding up &amp; NCLT provisions as per Companies Act,2013, Revised Secretarial Standards 1 &amp; 2, Included Applicable provisions of Companies (Amendment) Act 2017."<br></p>

Industrial Labour & General Laws - Theory & MCQs by N.S Zad

₹692.85 M.R.P.:₹ 745.00 You Save: ₹52.15  (7.00% OFF)
<p>"Key Highlights: Topic wise/Section wise grouping of provisions of the respective laws, Theory in easy language with examples and practical case laws, All latest applicable provisions and amendments are duly incorporated in respective chapters, More than 3,300 MCQs with relevant Hints and almost all solved theoretical &amp; practical questions, Also Available, Taxmanns Scanner on Industrial Labour &amp; General Laws."<br></p>

Company Law by N.S Zad (CS-Executive)

₹675.00 M.R.P.:₹ 750.00 You Save: ₹75.00  (10.00% OFF)
<p>"Key Highlights: All fully solved theoretical and practical questions of last 51 exams (Including Dec.2018 exam),More than 1300 questions with answers, All answers are given as per latest applicable provisions of Companies Act,2013, Important practical case studies."<br></p>