Categories: Medical

Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series Parasitic Infections in Pregnancy

₹815.90 M.R.P.:₹ 995.00 You Save: ₹179.10  (18.00% OFF)
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Sriina</a>’s Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series on Parasitic Infections in Pregnancy provides in-depth knowledge essential for obstetrics and gynecology professionals. Authored by experts NIRANJAN CHAVAN and KOMAL N CHAVAN, this resource is perfect for those looking to expand their understanding of parasitic infections during pregnancy. Available to buy online at an affordable price, this guide offers key insights into diagnosis, treatment, and management, ensuring safe and effective care for pregnant women. <a href="" target="_blank">Shop now </a>for this trusted resource and stay updated on crucial health topics for better outcomes in obstetrics and gynecology.</p>

SRB Clinical Methods in Surgery

₹1,282.50 M.R.P.:₹ 1,425.00 You Save: ₹142.50  (10.00% OFF)
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This comprehensive book covers key surgical methods and techniques providing clear insights and practical guidance. Perfect for those looking to enhance their surgical knowledge&nbsp; it is designed to make complex concepts easy to understand. Buy SRB Clinical Methods in Surgery online at an affordable price and add this invaluable resource to your medical library. With <a href="Http://" target="_blank">Sriina&nbsp;</a> shop for top quality books and enhance your learning journey with trusted experts like Sriram Bhat M.</p></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-2 flex gap-3 empty:hidden -ml-2"><div class="items-center justify-start rounded-xl p-1 flex"><div class="flex items-center"><span class="" data-state="closed"><button class="rounded-lg text-token-text-secondary hover:bg-token-main-surface-secondary" aria-label="Read aloud" data-testid="voice-play-turn-action-button"><span class="flex h-[30px] w-[30px] items-center justify-center"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon-md-heavy"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11 4.9099C11 4.47485 10.4828 4.24734 10.1621 4.54132L6.67572 7.7372C6.49129 7.90626 6.25019 8.00005 6 8.00005H4C3.44772 8.00005 3 8.44776 3 9.00005V15C3 15.5523 3.44772 16 4 16H6C6.25019 16 6.49129 16.0938 6.67572 16.2629L10.1621 19.4588C10.4828 19.7527 11 19.5252 11 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Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series Pyrexia in Pregnancy

₹815.90 M.R.P.:₹ 995.00 You Save: ₹179.10  (18.00% OFF)
<p>Discover the Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series Pyrexia in Pregnancy by <a href="" target="_blank">Sriina.</a> This valuable resource offers expert insights into the management of pyrexia during pregnancy. Written by renowned specialists Komal N Chavan and Niranjan Chavan, this book is designed for healthcare professionals seeking in-depth knowledge on obstetrics and gynecology. Available at an affordable price, this essential guide can be<a href="" target="_blank"> bought online</a> for easy access. Whether you're studying or practicing in the field, the Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series is a must-have for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of pregnancy-related conditions.</p>

Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series Liver Disorders in Pregnancy

₹815.90 M.R.P.:₹ 995.00 You Save: ₹179.10  (18.00% OFF)
<p>Shop <a href="" target="_blank">Sriina</a>'s Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series on Liver Disorders in Pregnancy, a comprehensive guide offering expert knowledge from renowned authors NIRANJAN CHAVAN and KOMAL N CHAVAN. This resource is essential for understanding the complexities of liver disorders during pregnancy. With clear insights and practical advice, it serves as a valuable tool for medical professionals. <a href="" target="_blank">Buy </a>this essential guide online at an affordable price and stay informed on the latest in obstetrics and gynecology. Ideal for those seeking expert guidance in the field, Sriina provides this product for your educational needs</p>

Bedside Clinics in Surgery

₹1,355.75 M.R.P.:₹ 1,595.00 You Save: ₹239.25  (15.00% OFF)
<p>Buy Bedside Clinics in Surgery by Makhan Lal Saha online at Sriina for expert knowledge on surgical practices. This comprehensive book provides essential guidance and clinical tips making it a valuable resource for both students and professionals. It is designed to improve your understanding of bedside surgical procedures, making complex topics easier to grasp. Shop now at an affordable price and elevate your surgical expertise with this practical guide. Perfect for those seeking in depth surgical knowledge in a straightforward format. Get your copy today and enhance your learning with <a href="" target="_blank">Sriina</a> premium collection.</p>

Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series Renal Disorders in Pregnancy

₹815.90 M.R.P.:₹ 995.00 You Save: ₹179.10  (18.00% OFF)
&nbsp;Explore the comprehensive Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series on Renal Disorders in Pregnancy by <a href="" target="_blank">Sriina</a>. This series offers valuable insights for healthcare professionals focusing on the management of renal conditions during pregnancy. Authored by renowned experts KOMAL N CHAVAN and NIRANJAN CHAVAN, it provides in-depth knowledge to enhance your understanding. Buy the series online at an affordable price and gain essential knowledge for clinical practice. Whether you’re looking to update your skills or deepen your expertise, this resource is perfect for obstetricians and gynecologists.<a href="" target="_blank"> Shop now</a> and boost your medical knowledge with <a href="" target="_blank">Sriina.</a>

Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

₹825.85 M.R.P.:₹ 995.00 You Save: ₹169.15  (17.00% OFF)
<p>Buy <a href="" target="_blank">Sriina</a>'s Obs and Gynae PG Focus Series on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus online. Authored by NIRANJAN CHAVAN and KOMAL N CHAVAN this valuable resource offers comprehensive insights on the management diagnosis and treatment of gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Ideal for obstetrics and gynecology professionals, the series provides a detailed understanding of the condition and its impact on pregnancy. Available at an affordable price, this essential guide helps enhance clinical knowledge. <a href="" target="_blank">Shop now</a> and get expert insights from leading specialists in the field, all in one comprehensive package.</p>

Hospital Administration

₹1,413.75 M.R.P.:₹ 1,625.00 You Save: ₹211.25  (13.00% OFF)
<p>Hospital Administration by DC Joshi and Mamta Joshi is a must read book for professionals and students seeking knowledge in hospital management. Available at<a href="" target="_blank"> Sriina</a> this comprehensive book covers essential aspects of healthcare administration, offering practical insights and in-depth knowledge to excel in the field. Buy online now at an affordable price and take the first step toward advancing your expertise in hospital operations. Whether you're looking to learn or enhance your skills, this book is your guide to mastering hospital administration. Shop today from Sriina for a seamless online experience.</p>

Textbook of Dental Anatomy, Physiology & Occlusion (Including Practical Workbook for Dental Anatomy)

₹1,051.60 M.R.P.:₹ 1,195.00 You Save: ₹143.40  (12.00% OFF)
<div class="flex max-w-full flex-col flex-grow"><div data-message-author-role="assistant" data-message-id="8fd441b1-3b83-4885-ac7e-76f8b2896d11" dir="auto" class="min-h-8 text-message flex w-full flex-col items-end gap-2 whitespace-normal break-words text-start [.text-message+&amp;]:mt-5" data-message-model-slug="gpt-4o"><div class="flex w-full flex-col gap-1 empty:hidden first:pt-[3px]"><div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light"><p>Discover the comprehensive <strong>Textbook of Dental Anatomy Physiology &amp; Occlusion</strong> by Rashmi GS Phulari now available at Sriina. This book includes a practical workbook for dental anatomy, making it a perfect choice for students and professionals. It provides detailed insights into dental structures, physiology, and occlusion with easy-to-understand explanations. Shop this must-have resource online and enhance your knowledge of dental science. <a href="" target="_blank">Sriina</a> offers this essential textbook at an affordable price ensuring accessibility for learners. 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