Categories: History

Ancient India in Historical Outline, 4th Revised Edition

₹549.05 M.R.P.:₹ 695.00 You Save: ₹145.95  (21.00% OFF)
<p>This is the fourth revised version of the book which was first published in 1977. It surveys the major developments in India’s social economic and cultural history up to the end of the ancient period and explains the rise and fall of empires with refere</p>

Indian Chronology Solar, Lunar and Planetary: A Practical Guide to the Interpretation and Verification of Tithis, Nakshatras, Horoscopes and other Indian Time-Records, B.C. 1 to A.D. 2000

₹1,496.25 M.R.P.:₹ 1,995.00 You Save: ₹498.75  (25.00% OFF)
<p>This book initially was published under the title Manual of Indian Chronology. This volume is dedicated to the study and research on Indian traditional dates and chronologies. It contains an exhibition of traditional and ancient Indian chronology a depiction of solar and lunar eclipses and planet positions used in discovering ages and an assessment of nomenclatures used in measuring times such as ghatika palas kalas tithis and nakshatras in order to predict the timeperiods and chronological phases. In this book the author looks at the Indian astronomy and Indian chronology also the usage of tables for the assessment of lunar/solar cycles etc. and the positions of planets and the planetary chronology starting from the first century bc onwards. About the Author ‘Diwan Bahadur’ L.D. Swamikannu Pillai (18651925) was an Indian politician linguist and astronomer and was the second president of the Madras Legisla­tive Council. He was appointed as the Companion of the Imperial Service Order (1917) and Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire (1924). He authored books like An Indian Ephemeris a.d. 1800 to a.d. 2000 and Panchang and Horoscope.</p>

The Dayanand Anglo-Vedic School of Lahore: A Study of Educational Reform in Colonial Punjab, C. 1885-1925

₹1,489.85 M.R.P.:₹ 1,795.00 You Save: ₹305.15  (17.00% OFF)
<p>Was the British colonial education the only model available to Indian students during the nineteenth century? It is a wellknown fact that several initiatives were undertaken by Indians to offer alternatives to colonial education. One such initiative started by the Arya Samaj was the Dayanand AngloVedic (D.A.V.) movement which began at Lahore with the establishment of the first D.A.V. School in 1886. This book documents for the first time the complete story of the D.A.V. movement which was one of the earliest and most popular Indian indigenous responses to colonial education. This book attempts to resolve the predicament of categorizing the D.A.V. movement as ‘modern’ or ‘traditional’. It also examines the successes and failures of the D.A.V. movement and throws light on how it shaped the sociopolitical land­scape of India in the early twentieth century. About the Author Ankur Kakkar received his doctorate degree in History from the South Asia Institute University of Heidelberg Germany. He is presently a Fellow at the Prime Ministers Museum and Library in New Delhi where he is working on the research topic titled ‘Rethinking Nationalist Education: A Study of Indigenous Enterprises (18801980)’. He is also a member of the National Committee for the Development of Syllabi and Textbooks in Social Sciences in the light of NEP 2020 and NCFSE 2023. He has served as an Associate Professor at the Centre for Indic Studies Indus University Ahmedabad where he taught core and elective courses on ‘Indian Knowledge Systems’ (focussing on Indian history and Indian education) to the undergraduate students.</p>

New Light on the Most Ancient East

₹663.00 M.R.P.:₹ 850.00 You Save: ₹187.00  (22.00% OFF)
<p>Archaeological findings in the Middle East and Egypt led scholars to rethink the emergence of civilizations in the prehistorical world. This work by Childe explores the archaeological findings and discoveries in the Ancient Middle East and Egypt as they were the centres of civilization at that time. Childe assesses the farming and agriculture in ancient Egypt the emergence of Pharonic authority and the development and urban revolution in Mesopotamia. He also covers the history of prehistorical India and development of Indian civilization and prolific history from the Indus to Tigris River and the Fertile Crescent and proofs of diffusion. This book is helpful for students and researchers interested in ancient Near Eastern history and archaeology. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Aryans What Happened in History The Dawn of European Civilization etc.</p>

Piecing Together the Past: The Interpretation of Archaeological Data

₹465.65 M.R.P.:₹ 695.00 You Save: ₹229.35  (33.00% OFF)
<p>Traditionally history is critically assessed with two methods archaeo­logy and literature. Childe’s Piecing Together the Past is about the evolution of archaeology as a discipline in the academic world. This work talks about the significance of archaeological data to understand prehistory and historical era objects for inquiry. Childe presents this book by describing the benefits from a scholarly perspective. It is an important work for the students and researchers interested in historical study of archaeology. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Aryans What Happened in History The Dawn of European Civilization etc.</p>

Piecing Together the Past: The Interpretation of Archaeological Data

₹331.80 M.R.P.:₹ 395.00 You Save: ₹63.20  (16.00% OFF)
<p>Traditionally history is critically assessed with two methods archaeo­logy and literature. Childe’s Piecing Together the Past is about the evolution of archaeology as a discipline in the academic world. This work talks about the significance of archaeological data to understand prehistory and historical era objects for inquiry. Childe presents this book by describing the benefits from a scholarly perspective. It is an important work for the students and researchers interested in historical study of archaeology. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Aryans What Happened in History The Dawn of European Civilization etc.</p>

The Story of Tools

₹526.50 M.R.P.:₹ 650.00 You Save: ₹123.50  (19.00% OFF)
<p>Tools were extensively used by the early humans used for hunting gathering fishing cutting and agricultural purposes. Childe’s seminal work covers the historical phase of tool production during the prehistorical times. This book talks about the stages of the transition of tools from natural produce bones stones and wood to bronze iron and other metals. This work is important for understanding the progress of human beings towards a civilizational path. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Aryans What Happened in History The Dawn of European Civilization etc</p>

The Story of Tools

₹294.00 M.R.P.:₹ 350.00 You Save: ₹56.00  (16.00% OFF)
<p>Tools were extensively used by the early humans used for hunting gathering fishing cutting and agricultural purposes. Childe’s seminal work covers the historical phase of tool production during the prehistorical times. This book talks about the stages of the transition of tools from natural produce bones stones and wood to bronze iron and other metals. This work is important for understanding the progress of human beings towards a civilizational path. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Aryans; What Happened in History; The Dawn of European Civilization etc.</p>

The Bronze Age

₹510.00 M.R.P.:₹ 750.00 You Save: ₹240.00  (32.00% OFF)
<p>The bronze age is one of the most advanced stages in prehistory where humans began to use metals and metallurgical practices for their industrial and domestic use. This seminal work by Childe discusses the emergence evolution and impact of the Bronze Age in the history of humankind. He discusses the discovery of metallurgical technology for daily usage and trading. The book also talks about the development of bronze tools and other objects used by the early humans. The author covers his hypothesis into three different stages notably the early middle and later phases of the Bronze Age. Though his work mainly concentrates on the European continent it is very important for studying world archaeology and global history. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Aryans What Happened in History The Dawn of European Civilization etc.</p>

New Light on the Most Ancient East

₹805.00 M.R.P.:₹ 1,150.00 You Save: ₹345.00  (30.00% OFF)
<p>Archaeological findings in the Middle East and Egypt led scholars to rethink the emergence of civilizations in the prehistorical world. This work by Childe explores the archaeological findings and discoveries in the Ancient Middle East and Egypt as they were the centres of civilization at that time. Childe assesses the farming and agriculture in ancient Egypt the emergence of Pharonic authority and the development and urban revolution in Mesopotamia. He also covers the history of prehistorical India and development of Indian civilization and prolific history from the Indus to Tigris River and the Fertile Crescent and proofs of diffusion. This book is helpful for students and researchers interested in ancient Near Eastern history and archaeology. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Aryans What Happened in History The Dawn of European Civilization etc.</p>