Categories: History

Champa: History and Culture of an Indian Colonial Kingdom in the Far East 2nd-16th Century A.D.

₹2,050.05 M.R.P.:₹ 2,595.00 You Save: ₹544.95  (21.00% OFF)
<p>Champa is a former name of the independent Cham polities that extended across the coast of presentday central and southern Vietnam from approximately second century ad till 1832. This book covers the history of Champa region by covering the developments in the political and religious histories. This book contains the description of the foundation of Champa kingdom and contains details of various Hindu kingdoms and the histories of Gangaraja Panduranga and Bhrigu dynasties. It also contains the details of invasion of Champa region by the Annams Cambodians and Mongols followed by the state system adopted in Champa region. The latter half of the book deals with the religious history of Champa where it covers Buddhism Shaivism Vaishnavaism and other minor Hindu sects and also discusses the archaeological structures associated with the religious sites. About the Author Ramesh Chandra Majumdar (18881980) was an Indian historian and a former Sheriff of Calcutta. He was educated at Ravenshaw College Presidency College and Calcutta University. He taught at Dhaka Uni­versity and the University of Calcutta. He became ViceChancellor of Dhaka University from 1937 to 1942 and Principal at Benares Hindu University in 1950. He was elected as general president of the Indian History Congress and vice president of the International Commission set up by UNESCO. He is the author of The Early History of Bengal Ancient India The History of Bengal An Advanced History of India The History and Culture of the Indian People etc.</p>

Church History of Travancore

₹3,551.05 M.R.P.:₹ 4,495.00 You Save: ₹943.95  (21.00% OFF)
<p>Church history in Kerala has a rich past. Right from the formation of Syriac Christianity till the arrival of Western Christianity in the early modern period such as the Latin Catholic Church and Protestant denominations. This comprehensive volume on church history in the Travancore region covers the discussion on pioneer missionaries who conducted their activities with the details of each church. It also contains certain unpublished documents in the form of missionaries’ letters official reports and records. The book contains four parts. The first part contains a description of the Syriac churches of Malabar such as the Church of the East Jacobite and Malankara Syrian Church. Details of the famous episodes such as the Synod of Diamper the intrusion of Latinization in Syrian Churches the Coonan Cross Oath and the expansion of the Jacobite Church etc. are discussed in this part. The second part contains the missionary history under the Roman Catholic Church in Travancore under St. Francis Xavier and other Catholic missionaries. The third section covers the missions under Protestant denominations. And lastly the final section comprises Christian literature published by Latin Protestant and Syriac churches and Christian monuments in the Travancore region. About the Author C.M. Agur (18581904) was an Indian historian specializing in the Indian mis­siology. Born to a family of missionaries he was one of the first BA degree holders in South India. He worked as an Office Manager at the British Resident Office at Trivandrum.</p>

Ending Famine in India: A Transnational History of Food Aid and Development, C. 1890-1950

₹1,497.05 M.R.P.:₹ 1,895.00 You Save: ₹397.95  (21.00% OFF)
<p>The task of ending famine in India was taken up by many at the begin­ning of the twentieth century. Only decades earlier famine in India had been believed to be a necessary evil. Now it was the reason for the increasing activities of doctors nutritionists social reformers agricul­tural experts missionaries anticolonial activists and colonial administrators all involved in temporary relief and finding permanent solutions to famine. The involvement of this panoply of historical actors places Indian famines in the centre of the converging histories of humanitarianism development nutrition and (anti) colonialism. Tracing their activities renders such convergences visible and pushes the boundaries of the history of famines in South Asia beyond its common spatial and tem­poral frames. Ending Famine in India examines the tripartite relationship of India Britain and the United States linking the lateVictorian holo­causts with the struggle for food security in the 1950s. About the Author Joanna Simonow is an Assistant Professor in South Asian History at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. She has published on the history of famine relief nutrition and development in colonial and early postcolonial India in the Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History South Asia and Studies in Contemporary History.</p>

The Historian's Craft

₹273.00 M.R.P.:₹ 325.00 You Save: ₹52.00  (16.00% OFF)
<p>This seminal work by the founder of Annales School Marc Bloch discusses history writing from many perspectives rather than a singular method and what comprises history. The Historian’s Craft covers the issues concerning what comprises history. This book also deals with the concept of time historical observation criticism analysis and causation. Citing pieces of evidence from certain historyrelated documents such as the Commentaries of Julius Caesar and Protocols of the Elders of Zion he exemplifies the examples of history writing and forgeries. This book explains that the history based on judgemental aspect is something not to be done and provides a wider explanation rather than providing in normative terms. About the Author Marc Bloch (18861944) was the founder of the Annales School of thought and the profound scholar of medieval French history. He was educated at Lycée Louis le Grand and served in the French Army as a Captain. He authored books such as Feudal Society The Royal Touch and French Rural History.</p>

The Historian's Craft

₹618.55 M.R.P.:₹ 695.00 You Save: ₹76.45  (11.00% OFF)
<p>This seminal work by the founder of Annales School Marc Bloch discusses history writing from many perspectives rather than a singular method and what comprises history. The Historian’s Craft covers the issues concerning what comprises history. This book also deals with the concept of time historical observation criticism analysis and causation. Citing pieces of evidence from certain historyrelated documents such as the Commentaries of Julius Caesar and Protocols of the Elders of Zion he exemplifies the examples of history writing and forgeries. This book explains that the history based on judgemental aspect is something not to be done and provides a wider explanation rather than providing in normative terms. About the Author Marc Bloch (18861944) was the founder of the Annales School of thought and the profound scholar of medieval French history. He was educated at Lycée Louis le Grand and served in the French Army as a Captain. He authored books such as Feudal Society The Royal Touch and French Rural History.</p>

What Happened in History

₹486.50 M.R.P.:₹ 695.00 You Save: ₹208.50  (30.00% OFF)
<p>What Happened in History by V. Gordon Childe is one of the most widely read and popular works to date for understanding world history from prehistorical times to Ancient European civilizations. This book is the continuation of the seminal work Man Makes Himself. This book covers major aspects covered in history such as the Palaeolithic Neolithic Copper Age Mesopotamian Egyptian and Indian civilizations the Bronze Age the Iron Age emergence and decline of the Roman Empire. This book discusses the progression of human beings from the stone age till the period of civilizations. This book is highly fascinating for students of ancient history and archaeology. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Bronze Age The Aryans What Happened in History The Dawn of European Civilisation etc.</p>

Man Makes Himself

₹549.05 M.R.P.:₹ 695.00 You Save: ₹145.95  (21.00% OFF)
<p>This seminal volume by V. Gordon Childe covers the prehistory period of the ancient world. Man Makes Himself covers the history of humanity and natural sciences. This title primarily covers the Neolithic period when man gradually shifted from hunting to agriculture and cultivation practices. This book also covers the emergence and development of urbanization in major civilizations of the world such as Mesopotamia Egypt and China etc. The author also discusses the rudimentary things that happened in the prehistoric age such as foodgathering methods development of knowledge systems growth and decline of urban centres discovery of fire tool technology that was used for huntinggathering and so forth. This book is of worth to scholars and students interested in the prehistory. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Bronze Age The Aryans What Happened in History The Dawn of European Civilisation etc.</p>

The Aryans: A Study of Indo-European Origins

₹487.90 M.R.P.:₹ 595.00 You Save: ₹107.10  (18.00% OFF)
<p>The startling discoveries in the Ancient East and the great progress made in the study of the prehistoric civilizations of Europe and especially of Greece necessitated a fresh survey of the fascinating question as to the origin and diffusion of those languages to which we in common with the ancient Greeks Romans and Hindus are heirs. Most of the languages of Europe America and India today belong to one linguistic family generally called the IndoEuropean. To whatever physical race or races they belonged they must have possessed a certain spiritual unity. To their linguistic heirs they bequeathed if not skull type or bodily characteristics at least something of this more subtle and precious spiritual identity. The first great world religions which addressed their appeal to all men irrespective of race or nationality were Buddhism and Zoroastrianism were the works of Aryans propa­gated in Aryan speech. Philologists today recognize eleven groups of languages descended from the Aryan root. This book discusses in depth the first appearance of the Aryans on the stage of history Aryanization of the Mediterranean primitive Aryan culture Asiatic cradle of the Aryans Aryans in Central Europe North European cradle of the Aryans and Aryans in South Russia. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist who specialized in the study of European prehistory. From 1927 to 1946 he worked as the Abercromby Professor of Archaeology at the Univer­sity of Edinburgh and then from 1947 to 1957 as the Director of the Institute of Archaeology London. He wrote 26 books during his illustrious career.</p>

Man Makes Himself

₹331.80 M.R.P.:₹ 395.00 You Save: ₹63.20  (16.00% OFF)
<p>This seminal volume by V. Gordon Childe covers the prehistory period of the ancient world. Man Makes Himself covers the history of humanity and natural sciences. This title primarily covers the Neolithic period when man gradually shifted from hunting to agriculture and cultivation practices. This book also covers the emergence and development of urbanization in major civilizations of the world such as Mesopotamia Egypt and China etc. The author also discusses the rudimentary things that happened in the prehistoric age such as foodgathering methods development of knowledge systems growth and decline of urban centres discovery of fire tool technology that was used for huntinggathering and so forth. This book is of worth to scholars and students interested in the prehistory. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Bronze Age The Aryans What Happened in History The Dawn of European Civilisation etc.</p>

What Happened in History

₹240.95 M.R.P.:₹ 395.00 You Save: ₹154.05  (39.00% OFF)
<p>What Happened in History by V. Gordon Childe is one of the most widely read and popular works to date for understanding world history from prehistorical times to Ancient European civilizations. This book is the continuation of the seminal work Man Makes Himself. This book covers major aspects covered in history such as the Palaeolithic Neolithic Copper Age Mesopotamian Egyptian and Indian civilizations the Bronze Age the Iron Age emergence and decline of the Roman Empire. This book discusses the progression of human beings from the stone age till the period of civilizations. This book is highly fascinating for students of ancient history and archaeology. About the Author V. Gordon Childe (18921957) was an Australian archaeologist and linguist who specialized in the field of prehistory of Europe. He is also known as the ‘father of modern archaeology’. He is an alma mater of the University of Sydney and The Queen’s College Oxford. He authored seminal books such as The Bronze Age The Aryans What Happened in History The Dawn of European Civilisation etc.</p>