Categories: History

The Indian Craftsman

₹355.50 M.R.P.:₹ 450.00 You Save: ₹94.50  (21.00% OFF)
<p>The role of a craftsman in India from times memorial was significant to display the grandeur and patronage shown by the feudal masters. This concise volume by Coomaraswamy describes the socioeconomic metaphysical and supernatural aspects of the Indian guild community from the antiquity period. The present work discusses the three cat­egories of craftsmen – countryside town and palacecumtemple to de­scribe the activities and conditions of Indian guilds. He covers the postVedic and Epic era from the time of sage Manu the author of Manusmriti and classical Hindu epics like Ramayana and mentions the presence of guild communities and craftsmanship from the Jatakas and also in Abul Fazl's AiniAkbari. The present work reflects the issues of casteism re­ligion and quality standards practiced by guild communities and how guilds were organized as per the societal norms in the past. Coomara­swamy also analyses the role of guilds and craftsmanship found in India and Ceylon. He also covers the training given to craftsmen to develop their skills and artwork to avoid a surplus and deficit workforce. It also covers the measures standards and regulations adopted by Indian guilds. About the Author Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (22 August 1877–9 September 1947) is a Ceylonbased metaphysician historian theorist and philosopher of Indian art. He brought the Indian tradition of art into the western world. He was also seen as the bridgemaker between western and Indian art and phil­osophy as he was much inspired by Hindu and GrecoRoman trad­itions. His works were influenced by the Traditionalist and Perennial Schools of Philosophy. He authored several books which were based on the traditional arts metaphysics and social criticism. He was also the curator of Indian art at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.</p>

A New Approach to the Vedas: An Essay in Translation and Exegesis

₹371.25 M.R.P.:₹ 495.00 You Save: ₹123.75  (25.00% OFF)
<p>The Vedas over the centuries were interpreted in different forms by different sampradayas mystics legalists and religious reformers. It has been subjected to interpretation and reinterpretation by Vedic scholars such as Adi Shankaracharya Sayanacharya Mahidhara Dayananda Saraswati and so forth. This small volume by Coomaraswamy is a comparative study of the Vedas with other traditions such as Chris­tianity Gnosticism Sumerian Sufi and other religious traditions which is a modern approach adopted for understanding relationships of nonIndian and Indian values. The text follows a pattern comprising verses and the commentaries made by the author. The book contains the selected verses taken from the Rigveda Brhadaranayaka and the Maitri Upanishads written on issues such as cosmogony ontology and teleology. Besides Coomaraswamy offers his commentary based on the philological aspect as the writers of the Vedas did not have previous knowledge of metaphysics but had developed ontological knowledge from the existing Sanskrit sources. About the Author Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (22 August 1877–9 September 1947) is a Ceylonbased metaphysician historian theorist and philosopher of Indian art. He brought the Indian tradition of art into the western world. He was also seen as the bridgemaker between western and Indian art and phil­osophy as he was much inspired by Hindu and GrecoRoman trad­itions. His works were influenced by the Traditionalist and Perennial Schools of Philosophy. He authored several books which were based on the traditional arts metaphysics and social criticism. He was also the curator of Indian art at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.</p>

The Living Thoughts of Gotama the Buddha

₹442.00 M.R.P.:₹ 650.00 You Save: ₹208.00  (32.00% OFF)
<p>This volume by Coomaraswamy and Horner is dedicated to the greatest teacher in the entire history of humankind Gotama famously known as Buddha. It commences with the life sketch of the greatest sage who formed the fourth largest religion in the world i</p>

Regional History of Medieval India: Society, Culture and Economy

₹1,734.05 M.R.P.:₹ 2,195.00 You Save: ₹460.95  (21.00% OFF)
<p>Regional History of Medieval India: Society Culture and Economy is a compilation of twenty chapters written on various themes associated with regional history during the medieval period. The chapters are contributed by scholars associated with the Center of Advanced Study Department of History Aligarh Muslim University as well as those who belong to other universities from across the country and abroad. The volume offers varied but comprehensive studies relating to medieval Indian History from the twelfth to the eighteenth century. The volume is based on extensive use of contemporary sources (including hitherto unknown) studied both at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. The book is divided into five main sections namely literary sources state and administration society culture and economy art and architecture and religion and mysticism. This volume will be of much use for medieval modern and Central Asian scholars and researchers. About the Author Yaqub Ali Khan (b. 1956) completed his master’s degree from the University of Rajasthan Jaipur and holds a Ph.D. degree from the Centre of Advanced Study Department of History Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh. He has been engaged for a long time in teaching and exploring new historical facts at Kota Open University Kota as a Head Historian and A.M.U. Aligarh as a Professor. His academic work relates to mainly Sufism tribal studies epigraphic studies architecture and monuments of India and he has published a number of articles on the subject in reputed national and international journals. He has three books to his credit Tribal History of India Madhyakalin Etihasik Nibandh and Muslim Monuments of Rajasthan.</p>

Situating Medieval India: Polity, Society and Culture

₹1,576.05 M.R.P.:₹ 1,995.00 You Save: ₹418.95  (21.00% OFF)
<p>This book probes medieval India from different angles. Its themes spread evenly across six centuries (12001800) study the realities of state formation social fabrics and cultural mores. On Delhi Sultanate it deals with the social identity of government officers exercise of sover­eign authority and political assimilation of local elements. Depending on the letters of Ain Mahru it maps the expansion of state power in the outlying regions. An attempt has also been made to trace the growth of scientific approach and the introduction of technical devices. Turning to the Mughal era the book documents the modes of cross­ing rivers in various geographical situations. It analyzes the political discourse of Muhammad Baqir (1612) on the functions of an ideal monarch principles of governance and difficulties of nobles. It opens a window into the convivial meetings at the Mughal court (1626) besides deliberating on the wondrous phenomena embedded in contemporary histories. Equally important it assesses the scholarly literature on the history of South Asian Islam. This book identifies diverse strands in the cultural ethos of medieval Panjab while appreciating the memories of Dulla Bhatti in modern imagination. Relying on the observations of Mirza Hasan Qatil it delves into the social stratification among the Hindus and Muslims. In a com­plementary exercise it looks at the verses of Nazir Akbarabadi to understand religious diversity in a major metropolis. Overall this volume widens our knowledge of medieval India in its complexity and richness. About the Author Surinder Singh is the author of books titled The Making of Medieval Panjab: Politics Society and Culture c.1000c.1500 and Medieval Panjab in Transition: Authority Resistance and Spirituality c.1500 c.1700. He has coedited books such as Sufism in Punjab and Popular Literature and PreModern Societies in South Asia.</p>

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: Translated into English Prose from the Original Sanskrit Text (12 Vols. Set)

₹7,106.05 M.R.P.:₹ 8,995.00 You Save: ₹1,888.95  (21.00% OFF)
<p>The Mahabharata of Veda Vyasa is one of the greatest war epics in the world after Iliad and Odyssey. Mahabharata is the story of the feud between two clans – Kaurava and Pandava. This English translation was originally published by Pratap Chandra Roy a C</p>

A History of Fine Art in India & Ceylon

₹2,418.00 M.R.P.:₹ 3,100.00 You Save: ₹682.00  (22.00% OFF)
<p>The volume is a detailed discussion of the history of Indian and Ceylonese art during ancient medieval and modern times. The book is the result of the development of the study of Indian art and archaeology during the nineteenth and early twentieth century India. This work starts from the Indus Valley Civilization followed by Mauryan Gupta Buddhist Hindu and the influence of Greek and Roman traditions in Indian art. The author of this book also covers themes such as cave art sculptural traditions and building architecture in ancient Mathura Amravati and the entire South India till Ceylon. Moreover this book covers art from Central Asia Java Tibet and Nepal. This volume also covers the impact of Islamic architecture which was borrowed from Arabia Persia and Central Asia. A special section on IndoIslamic architecture prevalent in tile works calligraphies lattices inlay mosaics numismatics and sculptures is also covered in this volume. It concludes with medieval paintings and a separate section on modern schools of Indian art. The work is highly recommended for scholars researchers and other professionals interested in South Asian art and architecture. About the Author Vincent Arthur Smith (3 June 18436 February 1920) was an Irish Indologist historian and civil servant. He published several books on ancient and medieval Indian history which include Akbar the Great Mogul 15421605; The Early History of India from 600 b.c. to the Muham­madan Conquest; The Jain Stupa and other Antiquities of Mathura; Catalogue of the Coins in the Indian Museum Calcutta Including the Cabinet of the Asiatic Society of Bengal: Volume 1 etc. He is also a recipient of the Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire (CIE).</p>

Roots of Zoroastrianism in Iran and India

₹1,102.05 M.R.P.:₹ 1,395.00 You Save: ₹292.95  (21.00% OFF)
<p>Thirteen centuries have passed since Zoroastrian Iranians first landed in India and began their life anew. In their adopted homeland they proved to be the true bearers of the name and fame of their illustrious ancestors. Pages of history are still alive with the noble deeds of ancient Iranians and their descendants reflecting their past glory in the mirror of their small community. Their Zoroastrian virtues have made modern Parsis proud. The community has secured a respectable place in the social intellectual and economic life of the teeming millions of India. They have amassed vast fortunes and have given away equally vast sums for philanthropic purposes without distinguishing between caste colour or creed. This book goes deep into the early history of Zoroastrianism in Iran and moves on to analyze the chequered history of longstanding Iranian and Zoroastrian connections as well as cultural norms associ­ated with Parsis in India for close to a millennium c. 7001700 ce. About the Author Fatemeh Samavati is a Tehran based scholar and a teacher of the connected history of religion literature and culture of Iran and India. Samavati holds a doctoral degree from the Department of History University of Delhi India.</p>

The Purana Text of the Dynasties of the Kali Age

₹716.40 M.R.P.:₹ 995.00 You Save: ₹278.60  (28.00% OFF)
<p>Generally when we study apocalyptic events we refer to the JudeoChristian and Islamic texts where a particular prophet was assigned to prophesize about the futuristic events. However in Hinduism the Bhavi]sya Pura]na covers the eschatological aspects which will occur in the Kali Yuga the darkest age in the Hindu faith. The Bhavi]sya Pura]na is one of the most controversial texts as many of the apocalyptic and prophetic stories were borrowed from various ancient Semitic Mesopotamian Persian Christian and other sources. This title deals with the critical analysis of Bhavi]sya Pura]na. The book deals historicity of the Puranic texts since it is one of the important sources of studying ancient Indian empires such as Pauravas Vidishas Nandas Mauryans Shungas Ikshvakus Andhras and other dynasties dating around 3rd to 4th century AD. Primarily this book deals with the content of the texts which records the major predictions and prophecies associated with the future. The title also deals with the structure of the text compositions textual variants hermeneutics interpolation and the manuscript tradition wherein it discusses Bhavi]sya Pura]na’s codices found in different libraries across India and outside India. It also deals with the variants written in a nonSanskrit language like Prakrit which is the sacred language of the Jains and inscriptions found in different parts of India. About the Author F. E. Pargiter (18521927) was a British civil servant judge antiquarian and an Orientalist. He was the judge of the Calcutta High Court in 1904. He wrote some books on ancient Indian history these include The Marka]n]deya Pura]na (English translation) and Ancient Indian Historical Tradition.</p>

The Revolt of 1857 in Haryana

₹635.45 M.R.P.:₹ 895.00 You Save: ₹259.55  (29.00% OFF)
<p>Although the events of 1857 have produced almost innumerable accounts and scholarly books no author has attempted to focus on the role of the Haryana region in the Indian holocaust. The people of Haryana rose up in great numbers and for a few months regained control over their lives and property. They severely undercut the British efforts to retake Delhi and in general served as a thorn in the opponents’ side. This study examines people and events involved in this bloodshed. Drawing on wide range of archival and published sources the author attempts a major reinterpretation of 1857 revolt. Prior to the May 10th up­rising at Meerut several evidences suggest a plot among mutineers in Haryana. Another pattern receiving attention is the large degree of com­munal cooperation by Hindus and Muslims in the face of the common enemy. The author however disagrees and in a big way with many eminent scholars of the Uprising such as S.N. Sen R.C. Majumdar etc. Their meth­odology and inadequate sources he believes have tended to perpetuate many inaccurate interpretations concerning the origins nature scope and at times even actual happenings of the Uprising. The author's narrative and the controversial thesis will undoubtedly interest students of the 1857 Uprising in particular and Indian history in general. About the Author K.C. Yadav (11 October 1936–27 May 2021) completed his master’s degree in History from Punjab University. He was subsequently awarded a doctorate degree by Rajasthan University in 1967. He was the author of a number of books and research papers pub­lished in wellknown journals.</p>